Hoping WoW 9.0 has an entire snowy zone

Yessssssss! Snowy environments are my absolute favorite. :heart_eyes::heart_eyes:

You said i look like an anime character and expect me to be insulted?

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It’s a pretty giant continent, there’s no snow anywhere over there?

Yes, but I suspect you murderstab everyone and everything anyway. :wink:

Winterspring was one of my favorite zones in vanilla. Frostfire Ridge was pretty amazing too.

There is on our mountain range. A few towns close to it got snow this year, saw a video of kangaroos playing in the snow.

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How does one post a video? Couldn’t get one to post last night?

As long as our Garrison isnt in the snow. Well I wouldnt mind if we had descent infrastructure imagine a castle on a snowy mountain would be fantastic, but come on having mud huts in a snowy landscape who thought that was a great idea? Especially since the Alliance gets the best of the best human infrastructure on par with Stormwinds Keep in a magical forest.

I think everyone can post Youtube videos. I could be mistaken. However, if that isn’t the case, you probably have to be at least trust level 2 to post them.

If you wanted to bypass it, you could always add the link. And put a ` before and after it.

The video won’t be embedded, but it’ll display like this:
Link goes here

Gotta be forum rank 2. The only thing Ill ever be able to do since rank 3 is locked for me.

K’aresh probably doesn’t have any snow. Dimensious ate it all.

That’s a T1000 Corgi Gnome hunter pet. Full fur and realistic bark deceptively hides the cybernetic super strength.

I just hope the zone is big with more open space in between points and outposts. Right now the zones just slam into each other rather than feeling like one big zone

Ah ok. Ty for the info.

A new snowy zone would be cool, but it needs to have a unique twist so it’s not just Dun Morough HD.

Perhaps a snow jungle? I haven’t seen that in any game before, and there certainly aren’t any in WoW.