Hoping WoW 9.0 has an entire snowy zone

That’s why I love them so much. They are literally the size of my body.

I tried them on my tauren and they were tiny! So disappointing…

That sounds disappointing.

With Nazjatar I was hoping for more cool deep sea stuff with a lot of crazy bioluminescence and deep fissures… you kinda get it in the raid but I just would have liked a whole glowy twilight zone.

A space zone next expansion would also be nice, my favourite parts of BC were the spacey stuff and that one fight in Legion was fun too.

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Would have been nice to have Kul Tiran men wearing a starfish bra.

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When I lived in Alaska the snow was super deep one Winter and I was walking on a plowed road in woods and heard a loud snort. Looked UP into the trees where the snow was five feet above my head and saw a huge moose looking down at me.

I backed away slowly.

I love snowy zones!


Northrend really isn’t a good example of snowy zones, the zones that are snowy are snowy in an “ominous icy wasteland” sense, not the winter wonderland style people are talking about here. Also, if I’m not mistaken the zones in northrend that resonated with the player base the most were actually the ones that had minimal snow: grizzly hills and howling fjord.

Grizzly hills is my fav zone in the entire game.


A strictly verticle zone? I can’t see that happening , it would make them have to consider making flight available earlier

Dragon blight has this desolate creepy ominous feeling to it, not my cup of tea.

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My favorite zone is Winterspring. I’d LOVE an updated version of that. Like Val’sharah but snowed in.


WoD had the Horde Start Zone which was fully snow.

Yes it’s the first line ^^
I really would like something like dun morogh though, I actually still hang out there sometimes

Snow zones hurt my eyes.
I vote no thanks.

Snow covered zones are my favorite thing ever so I have to support it.

What I got outta of this was-- Treehouses for everyone!

Yes this. The closest i’ve ever come across in the entire game is Grizzly Hills in Northrend. They desperately need a whole zone dedicated to that theme. It would be so awesome!

Ewoks were the beginning of the downfall of the Star Wars series!

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A dog sled mount would be cool!

Please don’t take this the wrong way. But those weapons on your character make you look like you belong in an anime. One where even the weakest of characters wield weapons as large as they are, if not larger.

I want to see alter planes.

As an Australian I have only seen snow once in my life (on a school excursion). I love snowy zones so much mostly due to this.