Hopefully this is the end of the failed lootbox system

Or you know, maybe the parents should have some responsibility regarding what their kids are spending money on.

Sorry, it’s not the goverment’s job to be the parent.

That’s why is in the off-topic and the general gaming category. Geez I guess some people forgot to drink their coffee.

It got moved here.

Yeah I realized. Still lootboxes and microtransactions are something the WoW community should be concerned, because of Activision influencing over Blizzard and the CEO saying the best devs going to mobile games and mobile games mean microtransactions.

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Sorry mr green guy. your stupid forums wont let me post link due to some stupid trust level.

How did you become an mvp? Wow is full of pay2win and rng garbage.

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MVPs are 2019 memes.