I was reading about interviews that had to do with how they make their story and i found this interview.
WoW’s game director responds to Battle for Azeroth’s night elf genocide drama and rocky pre-patch
(sry you will have to google, i cant post links if anyone can please do)
it talks about the burning of teldrassil and the old soldier cinematic, it seems they had plans for the old soldier cinematic to be a gotcha moment and was supposed to make the horde feel different (better?) about teldrassil providing some context, that THAT was not the horde, personally i was still angry about teldrassil and getting a cinematic about how an orc felt was offensive but perhaps the larger portion of the playerbase really felt reassured? honestly this makes me feel im not the target audience.
Is there any concensus in that? did most of the horde felt reassured with that cinematic? and do we have a way to know?
they also spoke about this.
Speaking of tricks, one thing I noticed is how many people felt like the Burning of Teldrassil was supposed to be this big mystery. People expected a twist and felt like Blizzard set it up that way. Going back and watching some older developer Q&As, though, I couldn’t find much evidence of that. What happened there, from your perspective?
Hazzikostaks: On the internet, as this giant game of telephone to some extent, things can definitely take on a life of their own. At Blizzcon 2017, I remember Alex Afrasiabi teed up the question of who struck first: The Burning of [Teldrassil] or the assault on Lordaeron? But that was before alpha. That was at the very initial announcement of Battle for Azeroth. From the time the game was in alpha, beta, and beyond, the order of events was manifestly clear through the contents within the game.
At the same time, it ties back to a little bit of potential cognitive dissonance. People have an emotional attachment and you don’t want to think the worst. You want to think there might be some other explanation than one that you find personally unappealing because it’s uncomfortable. But sometimes storytelling is uncomfortable.
Personally i was practically praying that it wasnt the obvious…so it falls in line with what they said but… it wasnt a big mistery for me it and after the fact it was more like they were lying to my face about it.
perhaps i just want to know about other players reactions so i can either have a little bit of hope for the story or just discard it all together.