Is it too much to hope for? Smite, flash heal/heal and Serenity, even shields are dull and dated looking. PW:S being the worst offender, unchanged 2D animation from classic. Guardian spirit looks like something left over from Cataclysm.
I’m always jealous when watching holy paladins or resto shamans run around with their spiffy healing animations. Don’t even get me started on how envious I am of DPS caster animations.
Let priests be shiny disco balls of light!
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I’d love an upgrade to something equating to White Mage in final fantasy 14. That is one heck of a light show.
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I really want Prayer of mending to have a cool animation where you can actually see it bounce to a new target. I’d love to cast HW: Salvation and watch prayer bounce all over.
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as a shadow player ive been hoping to remove the stupid sparkles by my feet when i levitate and I doubt it will ever be fixed
A Holy Fire not from 2004 would be nice, not to mention a visible AoE effect for Burning Vehemence.
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I totally forgot about how lame Holy Fire is! I’m trying not to be petty and feel insulted by the development of a video game. But come on Blizz, buff our animations.