Hope for Draka in Shadowlands

Yeah but i highly doubt he is dead. Its most likely the murloc given we have the Houndmaster from Vanilla SM in Revendreth.

It would be like calling siblings the same person. A person is a product of their environment. Thrall had a drastically different upbringing than Geya’rah. Saying the two are the same, just different sexes is pretty moronic. What are their similarities, their parents? I guess Illidan and Malfurion are the same character too.


It’s simple. They are both the only child of their parents in their universe, not siblings. Of course it’s different, Geya’rah was raised on Draenor, Thrall was raised by humans. It’s an alternative universe. Like different comic book characters are very different in alternative versions. That’s the point. Or how Garrosh didn’t even exist in the au.
Comparing it with siblings, that’s weird.

Plot Twist: Mankrik’s wife is the Jailor. And she’ll imprison you in the Barrens forever to search for her.

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They flat out aren’t the same person. Geya’rah is younger than Thrall, and I don’t mean just because of timey wimey. She was born later than Thrall was. She would be his sibling, not “Female Thrall.”


Ooo the ultimate punishment for someone in the Maw:

Trapped in Vanilla Barrens Chat for all eternity and having to explain where Mankrik’s wife is to a never ending line of newbs. No joining group with them and showing them, you have to type it out in chat.

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And giving them directions in the complete opposite direction, often miles away :smiley:

Sounds like You Awaken In Razor Hill.

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A TOTALLY AWESOME CINEMATIC. Well that’s the placeholder text for the cutscene where you learn her story and current jam. No sign of Durotan nor is it clear which Draka we’re dealing with.

It looks to me like she’s got green skin in the new Afterlives trailer so that would indicate she’s from the main universe.

Hoping we’ll see Durotan in the future.

I’ve already met her in the Beta, I did not think to factor in the skin color. Not sure how Thrall would react to the fact that his mother is a sort of Death Knight.

Still think its a pity they didn’t use Ogrim doomhammer, alternate version or not.

Draka was never really pivotal to the Horde story and really her only accomplishment was having thrall.

Its time they move the Horde story past thrall has his family as its Clear metzen doesn’t want to be doing this much longer so once he bows out the Horde don’t really have any outstanding orcs.