Hoops for Fiery Hearthstone Mounts?

So I just restarted my subscription for WOW (did not know it had been that long), logged into Hearthstone and then into World of Warcraft, checked the mainbox and…

… no mount.

Is there another hoop or more I am unaware of like… you have to have a certain level character on your account? Or have purchased Dragonflight? Or be opted in for something?

Thank you for your time.

P.S. Already have the blue Hearthstone mount so yes, there is play on my Hearthstone account.

As far as I know you just have to have completed the hearthstone tutorial and then it should be in your mount journal, (or at least that’s where mine was, not the mailbox)


Try exiting Bnet entirely.

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Exit WoW and Bnet, log into HS, log out, back into wow then check your Mount Journal for a wrapped gift.


Close WoW, close Hearthstone

Open hearthstone
Close hearthstone

Open WoW

that’s what Wowhead said to do

Worked for me.


You said you checked your mail but it doesn’t come in the mail…mine was just in my collections tab right after logging in.


the collections tab where you find it


I just reinstalled Hearthstone, accepted all of the freebees that had accumulated since I last played and logged out, then to WoW and there was my mount. I had played the game shortly after it came out so I had already cleared the tutorial.


Installed HS for the first time, played the tut, got the mount, uninstalled this MTG clone like getting rid of a rented mule. Hope that’s what Blizz was hoping for because I’m sure I will not be the only one. Not even a tiny bit entertained but hey, that’s me, your mileage may vary and best of luck to y’all.

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Not in the mailbox. In collections tab.


You might have to log into HS more than once. I downloaded it again, got all the freebies. Logged out. No mount in WoW.

Rebooted PC. No mount in WoW.

I just logged back into HS and it popped a Mount Reward notice telling me to log into WoW to get my mount.

I assume NOW it should work for me.

And it DID work for me.

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Do you know if I can log into it on my phone to get this? Because I don’t have the hard drive space for HS and I somehow lost my portable SSD. >.>

Edit: nevermind, it does work from mobile!

I’m still downloading an update in Hearthstone on my phone, logged into WoW to do some transmog and got the mount, while still downloading the HS update on the phone. lol


Woot! You must have been been logged in recently enough to have some box ticked.

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I haven’t had Hearthstone on my phone in like a year. And I’ve never had it on my PC. I did have it on my laptop back when the first Hearthsteed was a thing. That’s about it. lol

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Thank you for all the kind replies.

Something must have gone wrong earlier because no Mount Reward notice (or freebies) popped for me although I spent about three to four minutes poking around Hearthstone.

However, this time the Mount Reward notice (and the freebies) popped as soon as I ‘entered’ the saloon-style door. So I closed the game, opened WOW and there it was in my collections as everyone said it would be!!!

And it is beautiful!!!

So another freakout averted by GD.

:cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: :cookie: for everyone!

I may even play the game now :wink: .

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Another horse… :yawning_face:

open hearthstone complete the tutorial close hearthstone and re-open hearthstone and youll get it

Is the blue one still obtainable?

The red one was easy to get since I already have progress into the game.


See ‘Hearthsteed’ on Warcraft Mounts for clear, easy instructions and the Wowhead comment section for cheats.

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