Hook Point Loading screen

I thought this issue was being looked into a while ago, I know myself along with several of my arena partners still experience loading screen time issues. Have lost several games because one of us just gets stuck in this particular loading screen.

Please re look into this issue.
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I agree it is super annoying.
I think the reason why the Hook Point loading screen causes so much more trouble than the rest of the arenas' is that it's trying to load in basically the entirety of Tiragarde Sound for absolutely no reason other than for those camera fly-ins you see as the match starts during WoW tournaments.

In Legion when the game engine's draw distance was increased, it seems that it started trying to load in all the environment assets for each arena wayyyyy past what you can actually see from inside of the arena, completely unecessarily (unless you're trying to do cool-looking camera fly-ins during tournaments).

In this past Blizzcon tourney I chuckled when they did one of those fly-ins at the start of a Hook Point match and noticed that you could see the Drustvar mountains at one point during the fly-in.

Since Hook Point is based in Boralus, which is already more memory-dependant due to the amount of assets tucked into a small space, this loading screen problem seems to be amplified on this map. Trying to load in the rest of the entire zone of Tiragarde Sound is even more ridiculous when added to the problem.

Long story short: I'm sure that absolutely 0 of us players are interested in the potential to somehow zoom our camera all the way out during an arena match so we can see some seagulls perched on mountaintop 5 miles away from the arena. Efficiency is more important than graphics quality in a competitive setting. Having flashy camera fly-ins during tournaments isn't worth sacrificing actual gameplay issues for your playerbase.
11/09/2018 11:23 AMPosted by Bowlcutgodx
I think the reason why the Hook Point loading screen causes so much more trouble than the rest of the arenas' is that it's trying to load in basically the entirety of Tiragarde Sound for absolutely no reason other than for those camera fly-ins you see as the match starts during WoW tournaments.

In Legion when the game engine's draw distance was increased, it seems that it started trying to load in all the environment assets for each arena wayyyyy past what you can actually see from inside of the arena, completely unecessarily (unless you're trying to do cool-looking camera fly-ins during tournaments).

In this past Blizzcon tourney I chuckled when they did one of those fly-ins at the start of a Hook Point match and noticed that you could see the Drustvar mountains at one point during the fly-in.

Since Hook Point is based in Boralus, which is already more memory-dependant due to the amount of assets tucked into a small space, this loading screen problem seems to be amplified on this map. Trying to load in the rest of the entire zone of Tiragarde Sound is even more ridiculous when added to the problem.

Long story short: I'm sure that absolutely 0 of us players are interested in the potential to somehow zoom our camera all the way out during an arena match so we can see some seagulls perched on mountaintop 5 miles away from the arena. Efficiency is more important than graphics quality in a competitive setting. Having flashy camera fly-ins during tournaments isn't worth sacrificing actual gameplay issues for your playerbase.

Im not going to pretend to know the exact reason but this is a reasonable guess. I have noticed there environmental detail outside of the arena is very detailed, even with me playing on medium-low settings.

2 years later this is still an issue.


at least it doesn’t make you have to delete your character like it did in beta

2 yrs later and u still don’t have an ssd?

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Next question.

Bump, because it still happens even with SSD.



I lost a few games tonight to the load screen of hook point.

still better than mugambala

Changes essences and honor talents in the final 2 seconds of pregame keeps me young.