'Honorless' doesn't cut it

Like everything else in the story, orcish honor is whatever the devs need it to be at the time, and will be forgotten the second they need something else to ramrod a cool cinematic into the game.


HOLY SH*T! This made my day! Thanks Anya! Everything about that is perfect! :rofl:


How are you guys going to cope with Sylvanas being the protagonist in Shadowlands? As evidenced by her heroic music?

P-protagonist? Sylvanas is barely present in 8.0 so far. That is some questionable evidence indeed.

The orcish concept of ‘honour’ is fundamentally about shifting responsibility onto others.

If someone brings out the best in an orc, that orc considers them honourable. e.g. Thrall, Cairne, Vol’Jin. If someone brings out the worst in an orc, they’re dishonourable. e.g. Blackhand, Garrosh, Sylvanas. At no point does the orc assess their own actions - only those of the person whose commands they are following, which by extension reflect on them. It divorces the orc from any sense of responsibility for their decisions.

It’s the same with orcish ‘redemption’. Never is it about making amends to the people they’ve hurt (i.e. actual redemption), it’s about punishing those who ‘manipulated’ them (i.e. revenge).


Are flamebait threads how non shamans commune with the elements?


I did wish WoW orcs had something as solid as the code of malacath. Now that’s some defined orc honor right there. Always horde player here who didn’t like the burning.

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I’m not bothered by it because Vespero isn’t honorable.

You give me 30 gold, I’ll clear rabbits from your garden, pick up your dog’s crap, slay a god or burn a city. Whatever you want.


For one, no it’s because It’s a narrative in a video game. secondly, if I wanted to go there I can use the bronze dragon.

What I do care about is how it portrays the Night Elves as completely defenseless/mostly civilian casualties, and portraying the Horde’s aggression as a problem instead of a justified response as they have in the past. Even under Garrosh there’s some pretense about aggressions from Theramore soldiers, but with Teldressil it just seems like a reason to go to war for Sylvanas’ soul juice.

Well, no. It’s because Saurfang’s honor makes no damn sense in BFA. The Orc’s/Horde’s honor as a whole kind’ve suffers from being way too ambiguous, but it’s particularly bad with Saurfang because he goes back on things he says within the very same expansion with no rhyme or reason.


Forsaken didn’t have a bunch of civilians die, but lorewise Blizzard took a much larger dump on Forsaken fantasy than Night elves, yet Forsaken fans aren’t still crying about it two years late.r

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Nah guys it’s fine. I replanted a tree for the one we burned down! Also, I heard that burning is good for the forest overall. In a couple hundred years when your forest is more vibrant than ever, feel free to thank ole’Kagore! What’s a few hundred years to an elf anyways?


That’s the spirit!

A reminder, don’t respond to the trolls.