Honorary Dryad title & Secret Battle Pet Interaction

A few topics are already active here about the quest-reward title “, Honorary Dryad” going away after a few days and causing whatever your later chosen titles are to fall off from time to time, but I’m here to report another problem stemming from the impermanence of this title.

Last weekend, it was discovered that there is a “secret” battle pet that can be obtained from one of the outdoor zones in the Dragon Isles, but to obtain the pet, you need to interact with a particular NPC after you have obtained the Honorary Dryad title. While you do not strictly need to have the title equipped at the time, it makes the interaction easier.

I was able to obtain the pet successfully - multiple times in fact - but since the title has been stricken from my available titles list, I’ve gone back and the NPC can no longer be interacted with.

Since the quest-chain to obtain this title is not hidden and any player casually exploring Valdrakken would be inclined to pick it up before they may have any knowledge of this pet’s existence, they would be permanently excluded from obtaining the pet themselves without creating an alt for it.

If this is the method that is INTENDED by the developers, that would be good to be aware of. If not, a fix would be lovely.


Had this happen to me as well. No idea what caused the title to disappear ~3 days after I had acquired it.


I have also lost my title on my character, Xelinna-Proudmoore, and I haven’t done anything with her except solo quest, join groups for group quests/WQs, and leave the Dragon Isles for the Shadowlands.


I reported this issue in another forum post. I have no way at the moment of getting the pet as my title has disappeared permanently :frowning:


I’m also missing my title. Khalitas-Stormrage.

bumping for new eyes.

I have lost the title as well, and I cannot get the pet currently due to it.

Can’t get the pet so long as the title is needed, and since the title is bugged… :disappointed:

Just ran into this issue today. Completed the quest and got the honorary dryad title, then logged out before I knew about the pet. By the time I logged back in (not even 15 min later!) the title was gone and I am unable to acquire the pet.

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Same issue here.

Yep same for me . I got the title and went back for pet later but the title was gone.

I have the same issue. I received the title on Wednesday night and went back the next afternoon to retrieve the Snowclaw Cub, but the Honorary Dryad 24-hour buff was gone and I was unable to interact with the Primal Bear Cub to obtain it. I read the article saying that the “bug” that made the title disappear had been fixed, but there was no communication as to how to proceed. Are we going to be able to speak to Thalendra again for access to a temporary buff? This seems like a good fix that would enable players who missed the opportunity or weren’t adequately given time to take the steps to obtain the Snowclaw Cub due to the bug.


Still an issue

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Still an issue. GMs won’t even respond to inquiries about it, and this was before I even knew it was a temporary buff.

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Having a pet hidden behind a non-intuitive temporary one-time quest reward is just bad game design. It was along similar lines that the Legion death knight achievement “Unholy Determination” was removed from the game. And that’s to say nothing of the title disappearing prematurely.

This needs fixing.


any plans on making the title re-obtainable?
blue please reply

Any update on this? I did the quest, got the title, learned of the battle pet over a week later. Looked in my titles for the title and of course it was gone. This is the stupidest thing Blizzard has done, ever.

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Same issue here.