Honor System Decay Equation

if we are going by the blue posts and equation blizzard explicitly stated is used to award RP every week, there is no separation of the decay term with the awarded RP every week. If you change the rate factor you necessarily scale decay and awarded RP by the same amount. The only way to change decay individually is to foil out the terms and relabel the rate factor :

blizzards equation : current RP + (expected RP in bracket - current RP) * rate factor

Equation with separated terms : current RP + expectedRPRP_rate factor - current RPdecay factor

which simplifies to currentRP* ( 1 - decay_factor) + expectedRP*RP_rate factor

So yes, technically speaking there is a world where the variable for rate factor is divided into 2 separate terms to scale decay and RP differently, but I have seen no evidence that Blizzard has done this, and in fact, to do this breaks the intended functionality of the system. The ONLY solution to a 6 week ranking progress using blizzard’s actual method of awarding RP is to change the rate factor to .4 or 40%.

As stated by blizzard,

It’s a nuisance to the player base, most players would have to compete for top end of BR13-BR14 to achieve R14, and depending on the pool size that might be a huge constraint with the time limit of SoM.

I don’t agree with a 40% outcome, and it doesn’t mean anything as they can trivially modify a line of code (assuming they use SOLID principles, developing flexible code… but who knows with blizzard) to modify the system.

To bad it is 40%… It has already been verified using the last 2 weeks of data.

it was confirmed through a blue post someone provided…

Is there a calculator or formula that says how long it takes to rank up if you aren’t on disability or have no job?

Seems like it will be impossible to ever get rank14, even with the faster RP since the competition is full-time players

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yeah it’s in OP

Sometimes smart people forget they’re arguing with someone stupid and should just walk away.

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It’s called a rhetorical question. You may have to ask a friend what that means.

It’s an implicit series with no closed form solution without holding some terms constant. Keep it simple and track it week by week.

Old formula:
new RP = current RP * 0.8 + this week’s standing RP * 0.2

New Formula:
new RP = current RP * 0.6 + this week’s standing RP * 0.4

It is impossible. The ranking system rewards people with no social interaction in their lives. It doesn’t reward people who are good in PVP.

Ranks updating. I’m pretty sure it’s back to the original system with no SoM bonus again.

Yeah I think youre right, I was expecting to be at minimum r7(perhaps 50% or more into it) this week but it seems like the ranking this week is literally no different from classic ranking.

Went from 50% into r5 to 92% into r6(which means 0 gear for me…yay, and I logged in too late in the day to take advantage of the scuffed reset last week that allowed for people to buy gear they shouldnt have had access to) this week while being in bracket 8/standing 770. I was positive that I was going to get r7 at minimum with the SoM buffed ranking system this week, but going from 50% r5 to 92% r6 with my standing would be exactly what to expect if this was the classic ranking system, without any buffs.

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Lul broken again. Who would have guessed.

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Did you calculate your expected RP based on your expected bracket placement? It seems to be working as intended to me.

And based on the data you’ve given, it is working correctly:

  • Assuming your starting Rating Points was 17,500 (50% through rank 5)
  • it sounds like you were actually at the bottom of of bracket 9 with 14,100 Ranking Points (doubled for SoM, normally this would be 7,050) for the week
  • Calculating 40% decay (again doubled from 20% for SoM) on the previous week’s 17,500 Ranking Points, then adding your 14,100 Ranking points you earned this week, you end up at 24,600 Rating Points, which is 92% through rank 6.

17,500*0.6 + 14,100 = 24,600 (R6 92%)

Anyway I think it feels off because everyone is grinding AV rep right now, and even the lower brackets have pretty high caps. You are probably feeling like you’re having to grind a lot more just for a decent bracket placement to rank up. I get that. For example, I believe I was in the lower half of bracket 8 (standing 132 LOL dead server) last week with about 95k honor. That’s very high honor for low bracket 8 tbh, but again could be because low pop. This got me from Rank 4 (4%) to Rank 5 (92%). But it will hopefully settle down a bit in the lower brackets, in 2-4 weeks after many people finish their AV rep grind.