Honor Reset?

I’ve been looking for a bluepost or a post not from 13 years ago. Are they resetting honor with the launch of WotLK? Please respond with source link. Thanks.

They haven’t said either way, but I think it’d be weird to do an honour reset on this version of WoW when they didn’t do that in the original. All it would do is add more time into BGs by people at 80.

They didn’t going into TBC even with people exploiting a bug to honor cap in an hour or two during prepatch. Wouldn’t expect it this time.

They have not said one way or the other. Currently, everyone is farming honor cap under the assumption that Blizzard will not reset honor.

It would be such an unforced error on their part to reset honor at this point, pissing people off even more when they’ve already got so many mad players.

Soooo I give it a solid 50/50 that they’ll do it anyways.


To get a piece and a half at 80, they’re putting themselves through all this struggle gaining honor at 70 hahahaha. Min Maxers doing what they do best again, pretending they’re being efficient by wasting their time


Yeah I got full Brutal and then chilled.

Much more important to farm enough gold for epic flying before wotlk I figure


They won’t

Solo Ramps ftw. Good to know our honor chillin though.

lol - too true

I came looking for any update/clarity on this but guessing there isn’t.

The forums will absolutely blow up if people lose their pre farmed honor cap LOL

I don’t have any toons that are capped, but quite a few in the 25-40k range. Some of us actually enjoy it - I would have been better off in the big picture doing GDKPs.

You shouldn’t, that wasn’t this Blizzard.

I don’t think you read his post

Oh I hope not, I have a 69 with 50k banked that was gonna deck out in Brutal, just didn’t get finished in time.

i hope that too…

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