So WotLK had balanced racials?
Then leave your megaserver if you want wpvp.
Listen, I think it’s pretty fair to be of two minds about this:
The betterment of the PvP gear acquisition can probably only be a good thing.
There is no denying that Blizzard’s communication practices when it comes to stuff like this is terrible, and I mean like downright abysmal.
I mean…you remove mark cost for the new honor gear and completely half the mark cost of S3 items one week after people already used what they spent maybe weeks saving up for the singular purpose of having what they needed once S3 starts.
One week.
I’m happy for everyone who gets to experience the…results of this change, but for many who did the grind already and spent the resources, the proximity between when you announce major changes to item costs that people need to spend tons of hours hoarding resources for, and when you make it go live needs to be wider.
You should have announced this before S3 dropped, and why is it I’m having a hard time believing that you truly had only just decided to make this change less than 24 hours before you wanted it to go live?
It’s ridiculous, and comes off as massive disrespect to your playerbase.
Do better, but I wonder if this is even possible, because it’s not the first time you’ve done this during TBCC.
Great changes, ignore the cry babies. Its almost to much honor at this point. Doing the daily everyday with a few hours of double honor AV weekend will get you capped in a month now. Maybe need to add something to dump honor for players, Gonna be a long season (4-6 months) and people wont que bgs since theyll be capped fast.
I agree entirely.
I’ve got another thread on these forums requesting that Blizz refund the 50% marks that were spent by players like you and I that pre-grinded for weeks to buy Vindicator’s gear last week, only to be met with this surprise announcement that we’ve wasted a large chunk of that time.
Please, chuck a +1 over here.
see, now that’s a funny flip of the script
I think this is overall a positive change moving forward but it feels like a last minute panic move after they forgot to include it in patch notes ( like a kid stapling an extra page to the back of a finished project)
Its still poppin over here on Grobb.
You changed the pvp consumables price from 2 of any mark to 50 honor each. Please change this back. Raising the price on these is not the right direction.
Wait what???! Are you serious?!
This. I like using extra marks on health pots.
Yeah this was kind of bad. Normally I had burned AV marks on these. Probably not going to be spending honor on them.
No kidding. Right now my mailbox is overflowing with extra AV marks.
so when will blizzard address dead servers.
Thank you for screwing over the players who somehow were able to cap honor. farm enough marks for their vindicator gear and glad off pieces. Thank you for wasting our time. Thank you for making this gear a joke to obtain. Most importantly thank you for not refunding my marks that i spent while others did not. Thank you for giving into the cry babies and spitting in the faces of those who grinded this out!! Thank you blizzard!!! B
We should be able to purchase S2 gear with honor too. Since you can achieve s2 gear with pve tokens.
Please address the weakness of the final bosses and warmasters in AV. Games are routinely ending with 2 or 3 warmasters still up, denying the entire game tons of honor. I’ve seen games end with ALL FOUR WM up.
This is seriously hurting the alliance, as AV is our only real route for honor. You buffed the entire horde approach to honor farming, and left us in the dust. Our faction is inferior and struggles with winning. Its just a reality, and we need AV as an honor source.
wtf? what region you’re playing on? On NA horde gets **** on by alliance rushing our base and end games in 9 mins.
Not to mention that horde became stupid in classic and don’t know how to rush anymore.
You obviously don’t play AV that much. I’ve honor grinded 2 characters and working on a third this season. Most of the games end with one of the teams pulling with 2 WM up. This screws everybody out of honor. It just hurts the alliance disproportionately since we literally lose every other BG horribly and can’t rely on mark turn ins for honor.
It would be better for everybody if AV was balanced as it was meant to be. The game is supposed to be ending a majority of the time with all 4 towers down. Not 2, 1, or 0. and yes, i’ve seen horde literally end the game with all 4 WM up. Alliance has no motivation to do this, but horde does for the marks.
omg i see what you did thar and i love it. XD
V-Sauce, Mann-en here.
Too late…
Too late…
What is late, late is a feeling. Late is a function of time and how we relate to it.
Wait quitting…
What is quitting?
Quitting… is when chamges happen