Honor NOT being calculated 3-8 AM

The part about most rankers is why they wont do Anything to fix the issue save for my guess admitting right before BGs but not giving back the honor. If you are not pushing top 5. Blizzard doed not care

This is a complicated mess. They are likely digging into it right now and already know they have a problem. Likely they won’t say anything until they have a strategy.

They have to figure out the magnitude of the problem and figure out how to change the code to correct it. Meanwhile the old code runs and continues to enlarge the mess.

Then they have to sort out how to correct the history. It can be done, I’ve had to do similar things in my career life. It is unpleasant and costly and involves rerunning history. When it involved dollars, it had to be done. Hard to say what they will decide here. It changes so much - no one is going to be happy with the outcome.

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Just here to report yesterdays honor gains rolling over today.
Yesterday from approximately 12 noon to 12 midnight I had accumulated 480 HK. This 480 HK was given an estimated gain of 29K honor including diminishing returns.

Today after rollover I have had 100% retention of yesterdays gains. 480 HK, 28,766 honor.

If only this should prove my previous cataloging of data to be true. There is no issue with recording of data during the day.

If anyone else would like to continue wasting their time and record data from 3-8AM be my guest.

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It has been, people either ignore it or firmly believe there is an underlying code issue.

Blizzard won’t respond to every single post, but I’m guessing there will be a general blue post about it soon. If nothing else to remove the thread spam on this issue.

[quote=“Apathy-bigglesworth, post:80, topic:371752”]
It has been, people either ignore it or firmly believe there is an underlying code issue.

There is. Just try it for yourself. Get online about 4 in the morning. Get an honor kill - doesn’t matter how much honor. The kill will appear in your ‘today’ total. Log out. The next day look at your honor totals for yesterday - what you expect to see is the kill and the honor earned during that early morning. It won’t be there. Furthermore it won’t be there the next day either. It is gone with the wind.

I haven’t been farming kills, so I don’t have a vast soup of hks and honor to estimate or track. Because I have been getting so few kills - it has been easy for me to see this happen.

(There is a time gap. The system evidently thinks the day ends for honor accruals at perhaps midnight. But the job that resets the day thinks the new day begins at some later hour - perhaps 5, 6, or 7 AM. Kills that occur between this gap are not being recorded anywhere.)

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I had an issue with the first reset where I lost an entire day of Monday’s honor: Honor finally updated - Missing all of Mondays honor gains

When I submitted a ticket for this with screenshots showing the honor tab at various times that proved the whole day was just deleted I was told to submit a bug report and that was it.

All I’m saying is that all the evidence provided only shows that a display/caching issue is still possible. I’m not sure anyone can actually prove that their ranks were incorrectly calculated due to loss of honor?

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I can confirm the same experience. This is more than a display issue as blizzard would have us believe. I have multiple addons and weakauras that keep track of total honor, honor/session, etc. The addons also account for decay. I’m missing over 34k honor for the week from between the hours of 3-8am on multiple days.


I am standing 5 on my realm, at the moment. But every day I lose about 50-100HK in this time period. If this did not happen, I would be standing 1

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Proof? I lost some where between 25-30k honor last week. I was given a standing appropriate for what honor I was given.

If it was just a client sided display issue the standings would be as follows

Standing 1: 100,000
Standing 2: 95,000
Standing 3: 50,000
Standing 4: 90,000

Now that just isn’t right, is it?

It is not a display issue. End of the week calculations for standings are effected.

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I don’t doubt that things are screwed up. But there is no way for us to know who has lost how much. Perhaps the others above you have lost even more than you have?

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I can’t say for others, but just I, myself would like the bug to at the very least be acknowledged of its existence.

A fix sooner than later would obviously be great, but any sort of compensation of perceived loss will NEVER be possible.

Not asking for a recount of honor for every week this bug has existed, just that people are allowed to play in what time they are able to allocate into the game.

A potential loss of 35 hours a week is very significant. Likely much more time than the vast majority of casual players put into the game.

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I know everyone above me and I follow their online, they do not play at this time
https:// prnt.sc/q1ywgc

Also, I was losing honor, a lot of it. I stated it was a hypothesis for these losses.

noun: hypothesis; plural noun: hypotheses
a supposition or proposed explanation made on the basis of limited evidence as a starting point for further investigation.

You can not say, “I do not believe that to be true” this is not an argument and provides zero evidence to the contrary and does not help the claim.

My data is an extremely small sample size.
I posted here hoping to open a dialogue bring forth more accounts and evidence.

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Incorrect, a blue has not responded to this issue specifically. They responded to the display. But if you read the thread you’'ll notice that this is a separate issue entirely.

The blue post states that they still see this as a display/caching issue, and that all kills and honor are being calculated correctly.

Seems like you just aren’t accepting the answer. If they responded to this thread with the same answer would that change your mind?

Just got a responce to a ticket

My name is Game Master (Removed Name), here to help you out! Thank you for taking the time to reach out to us today about your Honor issue.

Considering the amount of time that can go into getting those honor kills I can totally understand where you’re coming from here, so I want to do my best to get you some answers.

After doing some digging on my end it looks like you definitely may be experiencing something not intended by design. I’ve sent this information up and it looks like we’ve had a few reports of this issue and Honor kills not displaying properly.

I know this can have a huge impact on your PvP experience, so Im so sorry for the inconvenience. I would highly encourage you to report your findings and side of things at the link below so our Devs and QA have another angle of the issue to get it fixed.

You’re lacking reading comprehension. That blue post was in response to an entirely different issue.

The issue they responded to was the honor tab not UPDATING. We are no longer having issues with an in-game UI element not updating.

There is currently a time frame where we are LOSING honor. The issue is no longer the UI element displaying 0.

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Perhaps, but the blue post I quoted is specifically in response to someone with missing HKs, not that the UI wasn’t updating with zero, but that it was updating with the wrong information.

I use HonorCounter by Woblight which accounts for diminishing returns. The people I play with during the day also use it and there honor is either equal or slightly higher than the addon records. I am the only one that plays extended time into 3-8am range and I’m missing approx 34k this week so far.

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