Honor Gear Discounts Incoming

Should be a 70% discount considering these people are going to destroy all new players coming into 80 now. Theres literally no mathematical chance of catching up to them other than losing sleep and they now can dominate arenas and get free arena gear on top of their exploited wintergrasp gear


I didn’t abuse the exploit… I played wintergrasp once every 3 hours (when I was online and I remembered) and got a lot of honor that way. I still was able to buy quite a few pieces. Don’t assume that everyone exploited.

This. Its going to now take me a week/s to do what they did in 1 day. In that time, I am going to get massacred with 0 chance of being able to fight back. Spend a week plus having an absolute miserable time just to catch up. Not to mention the serious repercussions this is going to have on arena fights. All the exploiters are getting a free ride to 2200 off the backs of the undergeared


unlock skyfury
server dying

1 Like

Server dead, game dead.


This should go down to brutal values.

It’s absurd that


  2. PEOPLE blatantly exploited to gain 50k to 60k honor by somehow being able to que multiple times within the 30 min wg windows.

This means that many people are running around with either full deadly or close to full deadly gear.

And in arena, gear is 99% of that game.

Now you devs are telling us that we can get ~9k every three hours to be used for gear that costs like 35k a piece?

No thanks man. It’s still going to cost 20k+++ per piece and take months to get 500k while these streamers are allowed to get full gear in a day?

That’s terrible customer service


Thank you for the info, Kaivax.

I swear its always a blood elf male that has the absolute worst take.

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get good lol
or make raid legendaries drop in 5mans. same thing ur asking for

kidding btw dont give blizz any more moronic ideas

It’s wild that you address this but not any of the actual issues people are asking for responses to


Good change.

p.s. add RDF ty

Hey Kaivax,

Just wanted to say thanks and the changes are super appreciated.

One question I have though, why not just have season 1 start week 2 of the expansion instead of week 1? Traditionally there have been at least 2 weeks for arena season starting. I feel like a huge amount of the complaints and upset threads would go down significantly if players had one more week to prepare for arena on equal footing.

Given leveling time, queue times for many servers, WG bug, etc. it just seems like this would’ve been a much easier solution and appreciated by everyone. The raids aren’t even open until Thursday, so what’s with the rush on season start?


Not to mention they’re always a Paladin or a Mage, nothing else.

If BS were honor you’d be honor capped… oh wait. :upside_down_face:


Do you not know how much honor wintergrasp gives? It gives an insane amount – especially if you win (and have the towers up still). You can easily get like 10k per game if your team knows what they’re doing. Do that 3 times per day for like 5-6 days and you get a lot of honor. Not to mention doing the daily BG as well and the weeklies for WG (which give another, what, 18k honor or so?)

Rating requirement for pvp gear is a mistake they tried twice already and fail, since they are changing it again in the new expansion, there is no point in keeping it, real pvp players play for the prestige and the thrill of battle, not for gear, that is secondary.



  1. Put rdf
  2. I just LEAVE

Pick one!!! (I PAY Real $20 CAD Every time!!! Every month)

buff honeur? really man? PVP is the mini game of pretenders and noobs. Try to buff FROST MAGE or the BROKEN MOB (Underground tiger which we cant even hit him, location Zuldrak, zorry mob probably he’ve epic loot LOL but u cant even hit him…nice game 2022)

rating requirement ruined pvp so badly in real wraith. by the time i started playing wraith back in the day, everyone had 2200 gear and my friend and i literally couldnt progress pass like 400-600 rating because we were being nonstop destroyed by people in maxed out gear from the previous season. They basically made it impossible for anyone to catch up


i hate people like you

easier honor gear = more alts = more people playing arena = more competition

there’s nothing “welfare” about dogwater gear.


So I spent like a lot of honor on the deadly neck piece from the honor I grinded before wotlk won’t get a bit of a refund…? Haven’t touched a single bg yet in wrath but feels bad to lose all that honor…