Honor gains

Based on the old cap to the new cap, and using wintergrasp towers as a rate difference (old 750 new 20), we should definitely be getting double of what we are getting now.

So honor needs to be doubled blizz.


They already reduced the cost of lvl 80 (Wrathful gear) by 66%.


It’s still pretty bad and isn’t on par with the amount of wins/losses you had to do normally to get gear. It’s basically like all the armor is 30k honor atm. Should be half of that. They need to just increase the periotic honor that you get from kills and objectives, that’s what is messing everything up. They fixed the bonuses from winning but that’s half the fix.

In other words, they increased it just enough to make it ‘‘Do-able’’ if you no life the hell out of bg’s, but it shouldn’t take that many bg’s still per piece. Reducing the costs by 66 percent wasn’t quite enough to make up for this low honor gain, should have been reduced by 100 percent.

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Is it? It’s a lot better than what it was. That’s for sure! I feel like at least I’m getting somewhere grinding gear on a new toon.

It’d be cool if you could link to or point to something that shows this. I kind of feel like I have no idea what to expect from Cata, so I’m not even sure if half of the things are expected or bugs a lot of the time.


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Most of us that do almost nothing but PvP, especially casually in bg’s can feel when things are out of whack. I farmed a whole set of PVP gear a couple weeks ago. It should be about 50 percent quicker than it currently is. The required honor paired with the amount we are getting now still feels like about the time it took to get the 29k honor pieces.

So the gear is taking a lot longer than it should for vendor gear, and even if I were up to farming it, i don’t want to till at least the resilience bug is fixed because getting one shot out of stealth with 1100 resiliance is wild, and not fun at all on my rogue. So if they are going to make this gear cost so much honor and take so long to farm, the game should at least be playable too.

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If you want double the honour, then play twice as much.

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0.o in this case that would be like halving my pay and telling me to work twice as many hours as before for the same amount I used to make. Their ‘‘fix’’ still made it to where it still takes twice as long to get the same amount of honor as before. Their math was still off.

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Before pre-patch, there was 14.5k honor for a good WG win (without losing any tower), and 1.5k honor for a worst lose (can’t take down any tower). The average honor earned for each WG was 8k.
So it took about 16 WG match (128k honor) for 5 off-piece 264 ilvl (neck, cloak, wrist, waist, feet).
Now, a WG reward is 80-360 honor per, which is 220 honor on average. So it only takes 7 WG match (1450 honor) for the 5 set 270 ilvl (head, shoulder, chest, hands, legs). It’s more than twice as fast as before.
You can complain for anything but should make it reasonable.

Sounds like propaganda to me. Go ahead, gas light us some more and Glaze the devs.

Its fine if you could show what 's wrong with it.
By the way, if you mean asking the dev reduce the cost of off-piece to match with the set-piece is more reasonable.

Bruh yall dumb af. Look at the time it takes to earn the honor vs what it was pre-pre-patch, this isn’t a fair amount of honor being given.

This forum is filled with abject fanboys because almost everyone else left. Don’t expect honest responses.

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