Honor Fixed yet

Just wondering, because id hate to jump in a BG for 7 Honor points after winning.

nope. im still getting honor amounts with decimals. I am no expert but i dont think we should be getting .77 honor per kill.

its terrible isnt it

The most atrocious ever

technically theres nothing to “fix”. We are getting low honor because we arent max level. Back in the day you would get 125 honor at level 85 from bgs, the big chunk of honor was from Tol barad. The honor we get now is correct, just bad.

They should nerf the cost of wrathful gear but i doubt they will

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This is the least fun pre patch ever holy crap


yeah i have zero desire to play cata at this point

The talent daily resets are getting old.

I’d take that nice retail feature of make a copy paste code at this point really. Drop that bad boy in, Have a nice day.