"Honor" Farming

Literally not once lol

BG’s wont bring relief from being honor farmed. Thats wishful thinking. One possible scenario is that the queues for BG’s will be ridiculously long for Horde and they’ll continue farming honor points by camping alliance areas while waiting for the queue. Another scenario would be players who keep farming honor in the open world because there is less competion for kills or trolling.

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Can people please stop saying this, it isn’t true. Having BG’s won’t stop all gankers, but they will stop 90% of gankers.

It is highly unlikely that horde queues will exceed 15 minutes. And it takes a long time to run/fly to most zones. You might see some horde run into WPL from undercity between queues, but they generally aren’t going to make long treks on flight points because there just isn’t enough time.

Even the worst-case scenario is a significant improvement over what we have now.

No quit on my server, but we aren’t at all imbalanced like the overpopulated servers. We’re more like an original Vanilla high pop. It’s awesome!

Zerg groups corpse camping a level 58 reminds me of Sony trying to remake old popular movies and getting less return each time.

Admit it. You love when a 40 man Alliance raid runs you down going into Blackrock Mountain and an Alliance druid goes Bear form and teabags you. You scream for joy. Thanks!

I mean, I’m no fan of being ganged up on by a raid group of enemies, but it is an MMO, after all.

Maybe you shouldn’t be alone.

Sounds like you’re describing two different kinds of people as one.

Have you ever considered there are people who genuinely wouldn’t bother doing the sorts of things that happen in Phase 2 if the honor system didn’t reward them for doing it, and that there is a separate group of people who just PvP for the sake of it?

That’s a really big if when you’re talking about a 1v50.

How many more of these topics will we see, I wonder, till it becomes spam. If it hasn’t already.

And people keep saying “in vanilla there was this” and “on the private servers there was that” when it’s a pointless comparison.

Cast your mind back to BfA (If you played there) and to the same complaints where big groups were (and probably still are) formed to do world quests on warmode for the extra goodies you got for being in WM. It’s nothing new. A brief google brings up a MMO champion forum post from 2008:

h ttps://www.mmo-champion.com/threads/745499-World-PvP-gone

complaining about the very same issues. Just makes me wonder that if it hasn’t been resolved to everyone’s satisfaction by now, it may not be possible to resolve it.