Honor farm

Hey peps, what is a good way to farm some honor ? (Need about 1.2k for a mog)

Im not a pvper and dont intend to be… just wanna farm and maybe snatch some fun out of it

Okay, if u don’t to do pvp against players, there is Comp Stomp. Comp Stomp is against AI bots. That happens now and then on the PvP brawls. You can check it on the calender, we just had one, so maybe a bit of a wait until it rolls around.

If u need it sooner, ur gonna have to pvp, suggest epic BGs. Stay with the group, do your best, have some fun. You’ll get prolly 500 even on a loss and 1.2 on a win, so just one if u r lucky.

There are warmode stuff u can do. This character looks Horde. That makes it more difficult as you will be a tastee tastee fresh fish.

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Do a couple epic battlegrounds since they’re not real pvp anyway.

Thats great advice, thanks

Looking at the calender the next Comp Stomp is like Feb 4th, unless I missed one. So a bit away.

Epic BGs aren’t terrible. Stay with the group and have some fun. Turn off chat if anyone gets super emo. Relax and get some pvp on.

Lol i need to tell the PVE comunity to learn some manners from this forum…

Thanks all for the kindness !

I will check talents first so i dont ruin other ppl time

You could also go to BfA or DF zones with War Mode enabled and check to see if there’s any crate drops. I believe they reward Honor and they’d likely be uncontested in those old zones too.

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Korraks Revenge too, they don’t last long and should be going through the anniversary.

I’d say War Crates but you’re on a Horde character and I never see Horde get crates.

They’re getting them today in the Ringing Deeps. They have a raid.

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^This. Comp stomp is a great place for people who are just learning to PvP, learning a new class/spec for PvP, …or don’t really want to PvP.

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You’re scared of pvp?? Lmfao get to a clinic asap.

Also, make sure to stock up on Vicious Flasks of Honor. They give you a 15% honor bonus for an hour. Get them on the AH for under 100g each

Just giving some feedback that took me 1 bg only to get it, felt like a pve alterac valley lol


yep! that happens.

What transmog did you get?

The polearm for my hunter!

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