Honor Carrying Over?

Any honor we accumulate during the current prepatch, will we still have it at 70? or will there be a reset?

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Would any gold you earn before prepatch get deleted? Would any gear you get be deleted?

What gives you the idea that honor is special?


because you can buy gear with it.

Same reason arena points, and conquest have always reset since the beginning of time.


yes, which is why people are so up in arms about the select few who were able to abuse the honor bug before it got fixed are going to be able to keep all that honor going into season 1

Arena points don’t reset in TBC either, kiddo. I hoarded all my Season 1 points to buy Season 2 Merciless gear the first week of Season 2.

Try again.

It was that way in original TBC, honor points carried over through prepatch and all 4 seasons of TBC. Same with arena points, carried over through all 4 seasons of TBC. These things only got wiped in WotLK prepatch since level 80 stuff existed.

But who knows! They might make changes at the last moment. Lots of “pick and choose” choices happening. 2.4.3 servers have the 2.4 concerted efforts guy that exists and the 2.4 auchindoun pvp quests exist but the 2.4 pvp rep rewards aren’t activated in this phase apparently.

Here’s you confirmation that honor won’t be reset. Blue post says we’re “keeping everything” from prepatch:


Season 1 - Arena points could be stockpiled and carried over without reset.
Season 2 - Arena points could be stockpiled and carried over without reset.
Season 3 - Arena points could be stockpiled and carried over without reset.
Season 4 - This season gave you a period you could spend the points before transitioning to WotLK prepatch when the points were wiped due to the level 80 gear requiring level 80 arena. If they make TBC forever servers, they’ll probably move to Season 5+ and the points would continue to carry over.

Season 5 - In WotLK Arena points could be stockpiled and carried over without reset.
Season 6 - In WotLK Arena points could be stockpiled and carried over without reset.
Season 7 - In WotLK Arena points could be stockpiled and carried over without reset.
Season 8 - WotLK forever servers will just go to Season 9 and carry over the points too.

Why are you calling him kiddo? is this your way of trying to disrespect others for no reason?

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thank you.

Because this post is unnecessary trolling. You realize this same question has been asked 20 times a day for 6 days, right? Making this thread is either trolling or being illiterate. Read the other posts. Here, I’ll even do his work for him and link him to some:

That’s just from like today

I find it unlikely they would remove it. Like most Blizzard oversights it’s a “exploit early, exploit often” kind of thing. They hardly ever take action against things like this.

The first I had ever heard of any action being taken against someone that utilized a fairly widely known ‘oversight’ was the stacking leveling potion.

They didn’t remove 20,000g from all the people that exploited Landslide farming. They didn’t delete people that utilized layering to monopolize resources.


cool cool. seems like youre putting a lot more effort in than just saying “yes”

If you wanna put more work on yourself, then complain it about, that’s cool too. lol

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He was asking a genuine question. No need to be an dick about it.

I can’t imagine that they wouldn’t reset it.

My response was also a genuine question, I don’t remember Honor getting wiped on expansion release so I don’t know what precedent was set for him to think it would.

That’s the downfall of text chat it’s up to reader interpretation. I’m not adding emoticons and inflections just so people read it the way I think I’m saying it.

They are not resetting honor. People are just crying and asking them to.

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