Honor capped at 4k atm

Just to make sure we get farmed by fully geared early access players for a few days once we ding 80.

We can’t buy pvp gear yet, so everyone will be around 550 ilvl with 4k honor.

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Should we farm it on alts since its transferrable?

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I did some BG’s from 71-80 and I’m already capped on honor, shouldn’t be too hard, the random BG’s are popping.


I mean on all one’s 70 alts should we not just cap honor on those so we can trnasfer it to our lvl 80 character when cap goes to 15k or gear available to ahve full set

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Oh, yes that is definitely a way to do it :slight_smile:

Aye, I don’t have EA.

Maybe you should read the blue post first before throwing some silly tantrum on forums.

OP, it’s not gonna work that way. Also just bank up honor across your toons and you can transfer it later.

Yes you can, it’s called Algari

Nope if you don’t get the Algari gear which is very pricey right now. The upgradeable PvE gear is pretty nice. Got most of my pieces too 567 already which is 4/8 upgrade.

Also I found a spicy ring in a chest that is doing 400k dmg on procs.

If your item level is only 550 you didn’t play or try really.

Hope alot of people realize it scales u to 600…u legit dont need to buy anyone. ive seen maybe ONE or 2 guys total that have the crafted pvp gear. And honor comes soon. save ur money. Scales certain threshhold of TWW items. Not ur DF items

I have some higher pieces than 550 now. So I’ve noticed that the gear also get scaled to 600ilvl in bgs.

I don’t plan on gearing any further unless I get RNG from a rare, I’m waiting on honor vendors to replace all my gear.

I didn’t get any patterns, I thought they said PVP gear would only be available on monday.

Honor PvP starts on Tues. Crafted PvP gear is now because it’s part of professions and how people make gold to start. Depending on quality think it’s 603, 606 and 613. Not sure if that is max.

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That’s what ima do. Use up the 4k then transfer another 4k over from another toon.

I should be full honor gear come release day once we can buy it.

I didn’t know this actually at first. However I checked today and now it’s 588? Oddly my 1 ring doesn’t scale at all (518 item level) but I’ve been wearing it cause the damage proc does 300-500k. So it’s doing millions of damage.

Guess the real question is what scales and what doesn’t. Since clearly not everything is scaling.

its random. some games its 588 other its 600. its buggy. There is a threshold of where ilvl scales. if its DF ilvl it wont scale it seems. anything 530+ 540 + seems to scale. 540 for more safetyu

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