Honestly, I am friggen stoked for a Quel'thalas Revamp!

The potential of a larger and seamlessly attached Quel’thalas above the Eastern Kingdoms is just such an appealing thing for me – Not to mention the RP potential of a revamped and more detailed Quel’thalas!!!

Midnight’s Quel’thalas Revamp Is Going To Be BIGGER Than You Think


Really really hoping with Last Titan and Midnight not adding new zones, we get updated older zones instead, like at least give us some working chairs/tables in the cities and stuff.

I mean, OFCOURSE the Elf would be hyped about their BC City being cleaned up.

Though I doubt it will change much of anything RP wise, Silvermoon will still be deader than the plaguelands.

Not if they make it a hub…and it would be sweet if they did.

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You are a void elf, you were banished from the lands of the sin’dorei, you are not welcome here.

Deader than Maldraxxus.