Honestly, how are we on PTR

Pvp, eh?

Yea, there are many people who pvp as a main focus and I’m glad bm is doing well for them, however once you look at pve, boom, it drops to the bottom.

Sounds like you have no real use for top power gains then. Guess you can stop wringing your hands. Hooray amirite?!

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well said!

i thought only kids played pve , like 5-10 age


I thought only tweens play pvp, like 8-12 age.

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Na lol. Adults like competition. Whats competitive about facing a computer , and you already know his moves too. Predictable and boring.

I know, I play both. I like pve because it’s working in larger groups. Sometimes I just like having more ppl around.
Other times I pvp bc I like the competition and slaughtering my enemies.
Both fill my need to slaughter, but tbh I haven’t been on much since SL has been a complete flop.

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Cooperation and being competitive with a large group of people can be fun. Besides

Is also true for some of the highest ranks in PVP.

I enjoy both. shrug

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