Honestely we can't really complain about gold swipers

that increase bots, or aggressive alt farming.

See retail. they went over real well with clothe. Not really. for the I only run 1 main players anyway.

Enjoy your like 15 clothe cap Mr/Ms I only have 1 char. as the alt addicts, botters are going okay…char 2,3,4,5,6,7…

also that hurts late comers. Unlike me who lives to level slow as hell as I declare war on all (skinnable) wildlife a player months from now gets 15 leathers a day. they won’t be leveling LW off of that worth a damn.

Unless they rmt some gold and buy off the AH.

See another example of scarcity not working would be eve. they tried that. THIS! will show the massive eve alliances who choke markets!

It didn’t. They made out better for it. It screwed over new players and smaller crews. And really paid the people who had stuff quite well.

I left eve before scarcity. I came back years later when it wrecked the place. I made like 8 billion, net, in like 5 minutes. crap I had sitting in the main trade hub shot up in price.

then I freighted in other crap. and that is when the game money really poured in.

My edge was lots of crap acquired before change made everything scarce.

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Well lets be real and logical here, the average player now works and has a family. We would like to be able to hop on for an hour or two to farm something throw in the AH or use for crafting etc…we don’t want to invest our time attempting to farm just to fight with a bot or an indo who will end up just getting 5 other indo farmers to help camp your body (if its a pvp server) sure could try to farm a dungeon IF your class allows for it but unless you are a mage and can knock out a few boost runs or aoe farm you won’t be able to make enough. If nothing is done, the mentality now is why attempt to farm for an hour or two and just work an extra hour or two get over time and just RMT lol that is one of the core problems. Increase node spawns and be done with it, makes its cost less to buy in the market or us boomers can farm for an hour or two and get what we need…hopefully

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Blizzard doesn’t deal with botting reports in an effective manner this isn’t a solution.

as a new player i was punished for other people’s behaviour and i

all new players are suffering because other people’s behavior and if they ask why, here is the answer from Blizzard. (read inside the green box)

imo it not allowed to have transactions til after a month won’t really do much. Not like the bots or gold farmers can’t just stock pile farm stuff within that month then go wild once they can trade xD

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New players? What’s that? :wink:

Honestly, that policy tells me that Blizz doesn’t expect many new players. And they’re probably right in that.

The people upset about it are probably people who want to multi-box, have multiple accounts, etc. Not actually new players.

Yes, we can, do, and will complain about swiping. It ruins our experience. Get over it and go play a game thats more swiper friendly.

Wow is a really famous, fun game, and for sure it attracts new players every month, but none of them stay because they find the game trash, filled with bots and real money trades.

I think Classic is probably still appealing to a new player. Retail…forget about it. It’s a convoluted mess. I can’t imagine being a new player and experiencing that horror show.

I would like to see retail graphics in a classic environment…that would be beautiful…

idk what you mean, I pvp them all the time and haven’t gotten any threats yet, I encourage 1 shotting every lvl 35 horde you see if you are lvl 60 until phase 2 comes around

you’re saying that because you are aware of multi version of wow, but a total new player to retail will not even realize what you realized and he/she will enjoy doing random things in retail.
i think retail is more suitable for any total new player to wow because they can find various things to do from enjoying questing everywhere just for fun or if they enjoy the dress up game or if just random queue’s to pve/pvp, on the other hand classic doesn’t give you much freedom and it will stress you if you want to normally play it.

Retail is completely overwhelming to a new player. There’s so many systems, so many currencies. The world is a disconnected, convoluted mess. It’s like 13 games sewn together but to form what? It has no shape.

If you’re talking about new players, simplicity is better. One coherent world is better. Obviously Classic gameplay is far simpler as well.

Retail is so unfriendly to new players. It’s also obnoxious. It shoves crap down your throat. Auto-accept quests. “Go here, do this. Go there, do that.” That’s not new player friendly. Players aren’t idiots, ok. In 2004 they dropped us in a world and said, ‘Figure it out.’ And we did.

There’s nothing stressful about Classic. What are you talking about? It’s an extremely relaxed experience for a new player. You’re looking at it from the perspective of someone who wants to rush through it as quickly as possible. I look at it from the perspective I had back in Vanilla. Go at your own pace and have fun.

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It’s because you can only handle simple raid mechanics like just moving 5 yards out of fire

It makes perfect sense why you dont like retail.

what in the

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How many players have you actually met in game who are playing classic as their first WoW experience?

while what you said is true but you are not aware of the main point of why would any perrson play a game “it’s for having fun”
in retail a normal person can join it, he will be clueless but he will enjoy the easily leveling and once he hit max level he/she will simply enjoy doing basic random dungeons and random battle grounds and looking for raid, he will do casual over all game play in pve & pvp while he/she will enjoy running in the world freely and doing random things like soling old raids or dungeons for exploring, so the new player will not be forced to even do anything and he/she will not care about the currency tab, even if they wear wrong gear they will just play the game the way they wants.

But in classic even when it’s so simple, it’s not giving you anything easily, if you are new noob with wrong items then you will not be able to even get invited to anywhere, you won’t step into dungeons while leveling or even do end game dungeons, you will not do raids, you will enter random bgs to find it’s filled with pre-made who play like a world champoins just for a win in random bg!..you will not have anything to do and you will simply quit classic.

believe me, i know too many players who joined wow in past few years, they tried all version of wow and only decided to play retail because none of them enjoyed classic for w/e reasons but they found retail having more enjoyable atmosphere in over all game experience.

some people like RPG’s, some people like arcade games.

retail is just something you drop a quarter in and enjoy for a few minutes here and there, while classic is a world you live in and sometimes unplug for a few hours.

Vanilla was designed from day one as the easy mode RPG for casual gamers.

Yep, also they were warmed up at era start from cata, old era or retail setups for a start.

and all the wows have bot purges like last month of season. so they’d jsut make them that month +1.

which they would do anyway. The level capped account would aid the new account for a faster level.

Its not like wow sql is granular enough it tracks on the night of Dec 10th from 2000 to 0100 one partied up with a mage named Iamreallyabooster.