Honest Question: How Evil are the Forsaken?

Pretty sure mages have enchanted carpets do that too :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

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Well it kind of depends on if the person thinks what they’re doing is always evil.

Well on a more realistic setting you’d have some room to argue that.

In Warcraft though… i hope they like revendreth lmao

Well this sounded like a personal view. Because Isaacthorne said they didn’t care about the war crimes. In which case, if he doesn’t think it is bad to war crime evil people, he’s not really doing something evil himself.

Many Forsaken believe that the only way to have peace with the living or at least the Human race is to literally make them walk in their shoes, i.e. forcibly convert them to undead.

There is truth in that as every attempt to open diplomatic relations with Stormwind was met with “Zombies, kill kill!” reaction.

They dont know what happened, in fact we dont know either, so dont bring headcanon into this, the forsaken sent one guy to stormwind and he never returned, thats the only thing we know

Two words

Scarlet Crusade.