Honest Maintenance Schedules


Its the way every piece of software being developed in the last 20 years has been developed? Do you really think they let developers fix bugs right up to the time they turn the servers back on?


I think just hiring competent people so they don’t have to fix the same things 5 times would be a better solution.


Yes! It’s called “under promise, over deliver” and its an excellent business strategy in my mind. Clients being pleasantly surprised by better service than they were expecting is ALWAYS a better feeling than feeling misled or let down.


People are mad because other games who have spaghetti code still manage to have limited maintenance. Eve online is more complex and has more servers than WoW and still manages a limited window. And i could be mistaken but i think they even pause subs during the long maintenance.

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I read the post as, “Stop lying about Maintenance Schedules and be more realistic.”

Yesterday I saw the hour down time. It’s my day off so I did things earlier in the day so I could have longer to play, now Blizzard has extended the maintenance…again. The word again is a very important distinction. Feeling frustrated over this happening constantly is warranted.

It’s not that maintenance is happening, it’s lying about the down times that is the problem. Maybe I would have more grace about it if Blizzard acted more like they cared about their players time.


Yeah, they really do need to take it down. It’s misleading people and they’ve admitted to acknowledging that.

I’m not as up in arms as some when it comes to maintenance but it’s stuff like this that really makes it tough to be reasonable about down time.

Because I can interpret the information you’re providing as them ignoring feedback, and I can do that very easily.


We have had over 24 hours of maintenance this month…so are you saying we should be expecting compensation? :wink:

Actually yes.

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Actually yes! Last week there were ~4 tuning changes made to delves that got people killed during their playing. There also was a change to sources for mats that greatly increased the prices of items.

All done silently without updates :slight_smile:

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Now you’re speaking on every company that deals with software. Do you think that Blizzard, now backed by Microsoft, is trying to let every relevant bug go unfinished? With the manpower they have now it should be hard to overlook much. But these days, everything is a bug when someone doesn’t agree with it. You also missed my joke in my post.

Blizzard give us our pennies back :angry:

Eh, no. They do that for when it is over 24 hours in row :slight_smile: I know you are joking though.

Plus it is October so that would be impossible seeing as we just started. :fallen_leaf: :pretzel:

Then don’t state a SPECIFIC START and END TIME maybe?


I just wish the realm status page was accurate. In my mind, if I go to the realm status page and see a green checkmark next my realm that should mean the realm is up and ready to log in. I thought it used to indicate when a realm was offline inclusive of scheduled downtimes, so you could check the page and once it said the realms were up you could log in. It’s a nuisance to have keep firing up the client and wait for it to get running and then go through the whole login process just to check if the servers are up.


You need to learn the word approximately.

used to indicate that a stated number, amount, or value is an approximation
website of Dictionary

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It’s crazy how often the maintenance gets extended now. I remember when you could go months without an extended maintenance.

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LOL it’s literally the first thing that shows up when you search “WoW server status.”

So if you were paying any attention when you made your “what else do you expect them to do?” reply, you’d see that we want them to do literally ANYTHING. Taking down a defunct server status page would be a start, yes. But we also want some attempt to be honest about the length of Tuesday maintenance. It’s not rocket science.

Back then, there wasn’t a lot of dots to be connected.

The approximation is to account for the original predicted time. Say the servers come up 5 minutes early or 10 minutes late. Otherwise they wouldn’t say it’s extended :man_facepalming:

Blizz doesn’t care. They know they have the most forgiving player fan base on the market. People will still play and defend the game if maintenance was 355 days per year.