Homophobia is officially non-canon in the Warcraft universe

We know. You’re being asked to be unobtrusive and to stop giving authority powers excuses to stop thinking about their obvious guilt.

Agreed. Systematic unfairness must be torn down, not upheld. But we both know you don’t want that.

Nobody needs a friend or a cheerleader with your mindset , but when you propagate the lie that things are equal when they are not, that’s when you’re going to be picking a fight.

Ah yes someone displaying copious amounts of bigotry and prejudice unironically talking about respect.

These forums sometimes lol


Nah, not a disease either. Plenty of good people with mental issues, it’s not fair to them to treat people choosing to live in hate with them.

Says someone digging down deep to earn all the disdain they can gather.


I don’t watch that type of content bro :rofl: and nahhh that type of content make me hella uncomfortable.

It’s more of a condition than a disease.

I predicted this would happen, guys.

Hots died because blizz took over the esports. Not because of political correctness.

That’s Disney.


Yeah that makes no sense whatsoever just blizzard pandering they have messed up the lore before so they can do it again I suppose

How would you know?

The hek it didn’t.
They started adding OW characters which is a Political Correct “story” universe.

Just report their posts and let the mods handle it. It’s not worth the effort or time.

Over watch characters were annoying because they were hyper mobile not because of their sexual preferences.

too much anime I think.

Tracer was released with a 70%+ winrate a week prior for OW purchases.
If that’s not pandering, I don’t know what is.

You claimed meat makes you fat in this very thread, and now you’re suddenly a biologist? Okay.


I played hots since the beta and hit rank 1, I have some clue about the game.

Played religiously until blizz ruined it.

what does win rate have to do with “pandering”


Apologies, Nymira…I almost spit my drink out all over my monitor. That was hilarious. Spot on!! :purple_heart: :rofl:



It should be fairly obvious by now that they are not exactly the brightest of people and that they are trolling for reactions.

Who (or what) is curoar? I googled it but didn’t find anything relevant