<home found, thank you>

<home found, thank you>

foreword : availability: 7pm+ PST (10pm+ EST), Mon-Thurs
I work from home and get off 7pm PST, but can log-in early to at least be ready for pull right after, if need be. Looking to AOTC and maybe push some Mythic if we got the powa. Can play any of my Locky specs, but been maining Demo for funsies so far.

Everything you’d need in a raider. I run my sims, pretty self sufficient on consumables, do my homework on fights, have raided on and off since vanilla. Looks like my only parses on warcraft logs are Nathria N and H thanks to server transfers/faction changes but numbers are pretty solid. Been having pretty bad luck with guilds dissolving and the dreaded Roster raid bosses in the early part of the past few expansions. They’re pretty hiatus inducing but i love raiding and always come back.

hmu Gakuun#1845