Holy/Ret Paladin Dead in the Water Phase 3

The fact that they chose not to speaks volumes. They recognized that it was weak and didnt patch a bug because otherwise it would harm their damage. Meaning that they dont want to make actual changes and allow a bug because otherwise Paladin Ret damage would of been extremely bad.

So for some reason they fail to actually help paladins and would rather allow bugs to help with damage. This is seal twisting all over again. Allowing bugs for damage.


damn they gettin back at us paladins bc of ret buffs in other versions lmao

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Again, holy is fine… People that claim to be holy just to get into raids to try and swipe some ret gear are bad. Experienced both, love a holy paladin healing my lock tank. I never have to worry.

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No one cares about PvE. All the healers can do their job in PvE. Holy Paladin is not fine in PvP. You dont play one so you dont care. I do though, and its not okay that the spec hasn’t gotten ONE new heal though p2 and the introduction of P3.

Spamming only Holy Light is not fun.

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I agree with everything that was said. And thus, nerf ret paladins.

Bro I don’t what to be that guy but it literally says Main Hand. 2h has never been considered MH. HoR has never been 2h in any version it has existed.

However, they could of solved this by giving paladins a rune that makes SoC and SoM cleave to two additional targets.

Hpal my spec is literally dead and the devs listened to your posts and druid feedback but they are straight up ignoring us. It kinda hurts tbh.


I agree. It either needs to stack with might or provide a reason to use it. Locking this to group, making it just worse than might while competing with might, and making it so ret will never want it makes no sense. You’re never putting a holy paladin into your melee group.

This is not true. It still absolutely has a ton of value. The problem is there’s not a lot of instances where you would want to use it right now even IF you could bubble.

But you can judge on the target. I think this is meant for the paladin to judge things like wisdom or light, but without a good way to have those reset, it’s pretty meh. They should have made crusader strike refresh all judgements to combo with this for holy paladins.

I do not have ACP and have an average parse of 96 on my fights. You absolutely do not need ACP, but it certainly helps.

I think the hammer of wrath rune should have made it instant cast. The health threshold is 10%, so if you get a reset you’re almost certainly not getting the second cast off on a boss fight. It’s just… a weirdly designed ability.

Light and Wisdom are expensive and not worth it at all. Enlightened judgement is trash.

You should uh, really read that whole quote all the way through. It literally addresses your point.

DSac’s entire usefulness only comes out if you’re solo healing in raid.

HoW should be instant cast but the design implies raid bosses are gonna being living alot longer at least until people are geared. Then again given Blizz’s actions recently I doubt it. They can’t even be bothered to give paladins a single healing rune.

Buff Holy, Nerf ret to the ground.

Anyone that has done any kind of raiding in WOTLK understands the power of Dsac even without a bubble. The problem is there’s no raiding mechanics that matter for this at current.

Maybe. Or maybe the design is bad on the face of it? Just because this appears to be meant to work sub 10% HP on a boss doesn’t mean it’s a well designed ability. At the moment, this won’t be worth using to me over the half exorcism cd rune JUST for the reduced CD alone.

Ret is already the floor of viable dps specs with feral.

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doesn’t mean it can’t go lower. feral should be leagues above ret :smiley:

Ok troll, whatever you say.

Troll? No I’m sorry to say that my disdain for ret paladin is entirely genuine.

/10 char

DSAC was valuable in WOTLK not for DSAC but for Divine Guardian (follow up talent) and to be effectively used you had to remove the DSAC buff immediately or it was likely to kill you in most situations since it was primarily used when the raid including the paladin was taking heavy AOE damage.

top 99% of Paladins are tje ones the ranking is showing and they most certainly have ACP. Go to warcraft logs and see the different between 99th Percentile and 95th Percentile and you’ll see what I mean.

Just give Ret what they gave Feral.

Make some new engi recipe to attach a hyper pumer gizmo 9000 to any 2hander and make it Paladin/Shaman only.

easy. done.

and Holy well I think that spec is just dead. garbage runes every phase. I think everyone who wanted to play one has already rerolled.