Holy/Disc Priest LF Raid Team

Yo whats up guys. Like a ton of people I’m new back to game after taking a break during SoD, and trying to take things a little less seriously this time. Looking for a guild mostly doing heroic with maybe a little splash of mythic down the line if people feel up to it.

Experience wise I was CE in CN with a guild I was the healing officer for called , but the guild fell apart due to lack of attendance shortly after we killed mythic painsmith in SoD, which is around where I dropped out of the game. Beyond this expac was CE in Nyalotha, and deep mythic experience in most tiers since MoP. Played Disc for most of the expac and would be happy to again if it’s needed but am also super comfortable and solid at Holy since it seems like a lot of priests are leaning that way.

I’m available on Sunday-Thursday, from 8pm EST to around 1am EST, looking for 2ish days but could be convinced to do 3.

Logs can be found by just looking up Fivemccloud on warcraftlogs

If your a relatively casual/midcore guild looking for a solid priest healer pickup I can be reached at Fivepercent#1797 on bnet or Five#1773 on discord.

Look forward to talking with you soon!