Holycrap Bran is useless now LMAO

He was so good last night and past few days… Utter dog :poop: now.


Well…he was “better” last night. But now he’s definitely far worse off lol


well he was bugged

He is not even attacking 90% of the time.

Literally in a delve right now and he is not even attacking


So they did not fix him like they said they did?

It was never in their intention to have Brann carry you to heroic gear week 1. Get over it and learn your class

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I went to go try Zekvir’s Lair again since he bugged last night, and it seems like the hotfix went through.

He’s dying now and going on a 30 second “rez” timer, doing less damage, and he was attacking like normal.

But his HP went down a lot. He’s getting taken out (by the same things he was last night), but at an increased rate.

They fixed his health and damage.

But many people have been complaining about his AI, and in particular, how he can sometimes go AFK for part or all of a run in a delve. And that issue was not addressed in the blue post.

/moo :cow:

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Spoken like a true shill.
That or a Blizzard employee.


Well… he scales with our gear and his level. So that may have something to do with it. I have a feeling they don’t expect us to do this until late in the season when Brann is 60.

He’s fixed. Fixed to be significantly worse than before.


I know. I’m staring at the blue post on the forums right now in another tab.

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You know, I’m nearly 610. I can do a +8. But I’m still having to eat 1.5-3 million hits and normal casts after a “20%” nerf to the casts. It’s a little egregious. Not every class has a Death Strike / AMS / IBF / Lichborne to use in response to deal with these.

Brann not tanking anything or holding aggro now is really noticed, not that it’s afflicting me at all. But I’m not everyone else. This content is made for a more casual core and audience. The fact of the matter is I feel the “world first” race is why all these changes are just being hurled in and after it’s over and M+ is out, none of this will matter and they will stealth fix it.


He is being played by OpenAI. He needs data before he can learn how to play, becomes sentient, turns on us, invades our PCs, spreads to the rest of the net, and eventually fires the nukes.


Yeah, he just seemed (after an already hotfixed session) better last night than today. I don’t recall the 30 second delay after he “dies”. And he was doing more damage, albeit still hardly anything when compared to tank dps.

And that’s fine. I was fine with how it was and I know I’m still undergeared (got Zek to 22% last night at 578).

It just seems like this hotfix that was supposed to fix the bug made it worse in some ways.

I just wish I had like a petbar UI for him so I could tell him what to attack and when lol or even if he switched to whatever target I was on at the time, that would be helpful.

I’ll probably have it after this week when i’m 600+


It’s sad that it takes him scaling the same rate as the mobs in the dungeon for it to not feel like crap.

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Brann still dies to easily avoidable mechanics, he tells you don’t stand there as he just takes it to the face LOL

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Wasn’t there a line in the new raid that speaks well to this garbage?
Something about your ambitions getting the better of you…
Blizzard should put sound coding and testing before ambitious pipe dreams.

Brann has feelings too.

He was getting incapped by the boss, I have no idea how.

I kinda want his heal spells redesigned. I kinda wish he just channeled heals and DR’s directly onto you rather than throwing down static things that you have to run into.

But the potions are good in case he does get incapped. I dunno, he just feels really bad. I kinda wanna get rid of the Devilsaur too. His pet should be ranged. Just make it a baby dragon.