Holy Wrath was a bad pick for Ret DPS set bonus

Why have a set bonus for a spell that we not only rarely use but has such a high mana cost that reducing the cooldown and giving it an instant cast is not going to change the fact that half of my mana is gone after using it and even using Libram of plenty is not going to return me enough mana to make this ability part of my normal AoE rotation. I’d still be better off using Consecration and throwing down a strath holy water and not even worry about mana.

Also why do the 6 set bonuses only affect undead?

I can’t see Ret using these new set bonuses over the previous ones, looks like Ret will likely be sticking to the AQ set.

Have you been to naxx? Y’all gonna pump in there. Shall be glorious

I have PTSD from Holy Wrath, anyways. I never use it.

20 yrds my foot.

I’ve watched a bolt zip past mobs, just one, and pull another pack. It’s our Starfall. :dizzy_face:

Would be nice if we could get a QoL buff that granted us a buff, “Focused Light” that would reduce Holy Wrath’s ‘area of effect’ to like 5yrds or 10yrds…nothing else. Just a range reduction.

I just want to know why there’s no strength on any of the ret pieces.