Holy Word Sanctify

Is this yet another aoe spell that we will just never press? It heals for 202k and I have 4.2m hp. That is nothing. It’s not even noticeable that you’ve used it so I haven’t bothered in dungeons.

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Spell power-wise, it’s the rough equivalent (after talents that buff Flash Heal) of like 56% of a flash heal to 5 players at once, though of course it’s instant so that’s even more HPS. And it procs Divine Image so you could roll that into its effective HPS. Those pet Naaru spells hit for about 20% of your own, so if you get 5 casts off in 9 seconds that’s another 20% of a heal x 5, so overall ~76% of a Flash Heal x 5 all in one GCD.

It’s not a substitute for spot healing a player taking major damage (that’s what Serenity/Apoth/into Lightweaver is for) but it’s certainly a good use of a GCD for AoE bursts, provided at least a few players are grouped in e.g. the melee group.

It’s actually an interesting point though that they’ve buffed our single target heals now to the point where CoH, PoH, and even HW: Sanctify do seem a bit more mediocre by comparison, especially given the tight grouping requirement to get full value out of Sanctify.


Idk. It was weak last expansion but it’s even weaker now.

Sanctify doesn’t do much healing in M+ because the group is usually spread out and its hard to hit all 5 players. It’s one of your main raid heals though.