Holy Word: Salvation

In the past Salvation use to be reduced by 30 seconds when you used the healing holy word spells, correct me if Im wrong on anything but I recall this was nerfed in the season of Dragon flight when we got access to the Tier set that gave us 2 charges that allowed us to use more holy words because extra words would bring it back down much faster than intended, the nerf saw the reduction to the CD be put to 15 seconds per cast, now that we are in TWW and have lost that set bonus we are left with the nerfed version of the spell, I still like the spell don’t get me wrong but I’m just complaining that things like this get nerfed because of something that has been brough in temporarily and not put back leaving it feeling weaker. Like when they nerfed the PoM stacks by one making the 2 point talent investment feel worse, at the time PoM was doing really well but right now I feel that nerfs like this need to be reverted or some of the dead talents need fixing. I understand Blizzard not wanting to make Hpriest too powerful but we see so few major changes it begins to feel stale and like always playing a nerfed version of our class.


This is correct, but we do have a 4-Piece tier set this season too that will help reset Holy Words by increasing the number of casts of Heal, Flash Heal, and Prayer of Healing that we do by 50%.

That’s true, I did not think about that so it does make me feel a little better about it thank you, I guess because its more passive chance you don’t really notice it when the reductions working in high pressure situations

You can reset Holy Word Salvation in 5 minutes with the 4-piece and playing as Archon in raid w/ 2 points in the Light of the Naaru talent. With Archon every Surge of Light you cast also CDRs Sanctify and Serenity. The best practice is to save Surge of Light procs when you’re about to enter Apotheosis and then use them because you can reset both Holy Words in 2 casts.

Well that’s useful too know, thank you for the advice.

I didn’t play Holy in DF… but what kind of brain dead developer would nerf the actual spell instead of the set bonus? lmao

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It’s funny as it is ironic, because Salvation actually has a lower average cd in TWW S1 than in DF S3-4.

I have been consistently resetting Salv within 4 minutes, and in a lot of my best attempts/kills 3.5 minutes.


I have no idea. Holy was riding on a wave of constant buffs and hotfixes then they added that tier set bonus with a -10% hps nerf and a change to Holy Word Salvation sprinkled on-top. The nerfs were so massive we were 10%+ behind all the other healers so they reverted most of the nerfs via hotfixes.

It’s because of the +30% bonus to Light of the Naaru and if you plant and chain cast Heals you’ll reset it in 4-5 casts on-top of the Surge of Light 4s bonus to Sanctify (which scales off of talents + tier set).

Feels kinda trashy to balance a class around the set when they don’t have it yet.


Assuming this “balance” was even intended and it wasn’t neglect.

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My point wasn’t about the “how to reset Salv faster in TWW”, but to mock blizzard’s “why they nerfed Salv in DF S3”.

Because if their motivation was to preemptively nerf Salv to accomodate for the increase in Holy Word generation, they should have done it this tier, and not in DF S3.

Holy rarely has any meaningful changes - Instead of rounding out the Kit, Blizzard just buff the HPS output and reduce CDs.

I rather be able to cure Poisons than have to heal through them.

The difference now vs then is if you didn’t dispel the curses/poisons you got eaten alive. Worm boss during DF S2 was one of the hardest bosses to heal during that whole expansion on Tyrannical because the poison obliterated your hp bar. Shamans weren’t meta then so nobody brought them.

With how it is now it’s not until +12s that the poisons start to sting.