Holy Shock not doing damage?

Leveling a Holy Paladin on retail, currently level 16 and my Holy Shock doesn’t do any damage.

It causes threat and gives me holy power, but no damage. It heals just fine

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Doesnt do any damage and barely heals.
wasalready messed up where the double cast wouldnt always go off. now this

Same thing going on for me. I started leveling a paladin on a different realm and noticed Holy Shock wasn’t deal damage but generating Holy Power. I have a level 80 paladin as well I just don’t play holy, so I logged over and switched specs to see if the issue persisted. Nothing. Holy Shock worked as it should, dealing damage to the enemy when casted. I’m not sure what’s going on.

it WAS supposed to get a DPS buff no? odd things going on a lot of toons

I gotta mention this: Someone, a few months ago, yelled ‘Enjoy Holy Shock!’ at me out of their car…

Circumstances abiding - I was yelled at by someone that wanted to ‘join the company’ and ‘ruin my fun’ in-game many years prior. I notice a few holes that sync up with nonsensical things I said to this person within the latest patches. That’s funny.

Holy Shock is supposed to be doing 100% more damage in pve and pvp, but it is only doing more damage in PvP (and like 60% more dmg).

Weird stuff.