So I use a mouse over macro on party frames for holy shock. Is there a way to keep a macro like this but if I wanna target an enemy mob it will hit it? Cause of right now if I cast holy shock on a mob it just auto targets myself
#showtooltip Holy Shock
/cast [@mouseover, help, nodead] Holy Shock ; [harm, nodead] Holy Shock
what i do is activate the new “action combat” option to target the nearest target that is always an enemy and harm it, then when i put the mouse over the ui frames of my party members i heal them, including me so i put my ui frame near the center to heal myself.
i use it to have flash heal and smite in the same button, so i bet it work the same for you. the healing always take priority over damaging an enemy because its first in the macro.
you can read it, do this, if not do this instead.
Yeah I’ll try it. Just sucks the way I have it right now is even if im actually targeting a mob and cast holy shock even though I’m not mouse overing any party frames it still casts holy shock as a heal on myself
I’d have to use the normal spell with no macros to target a enemy
This is what I generally use for mouseover macro:
/cast [@mouseover, help] [ ] Holy Shock; Holy Shock;
First priority will be your mouseover (if friendly), if not then it will act as a regular “Holy Shock” press, meaning it will cast on your target if you have one (friendly or enemy) or on yourself if you don’t have a target.
I tried it, and this is EXACTLY what i was looking for! Thank you so much <3