Holy Prism Rework Suggestion

Heya, I personally think Holy Prism a pretty much dead talent could get a overhaul to make it competitive to Light’s Hammer.

Suggestion, Holy Prism becomes a 1 min cd that fires a huge Holy Beam at the Target, think of Halls of Valor, the Valk’yr before Hyrja cast Blast of Light and even Hyrja herself Shield of Light ability.

Heck even rename it to Blast of Light or Shield of Light, what it would do is all the Healing and damage Lights hammer would do but upfront. Same cd, same mana cost, same healing in the same radius and same AoE damage as Light’s Hammer.

This essentially gives us the choice of do I need a more HoT style heal or a quick upfront burst of healing depending on the situation.

Be infinitely better in PvP, gives a better choice in PvE, Visually looking friggen amazing firing a huge holy beam of light then it’s currently string of noodle.

I enjoy Holy Prism, firing a beam of holy light, but it’s clearly insanely underperforming, we already have a huge fast style of gameplay we don’t need another short cd spell to maintain.

This change would actually see it picked!. Not to forget to mention a solid burst of healing when needed if we don’t or can’t get Holy Power.

Personally I’d also like to see Lights Hammer getting a buff doing its damage and healing over 6/8 seconds rather then 14, in keys no one ever holds mobs still for that long still, mechanics and kiting are way to frequent. This would Essentially put it on par with the Holy Prism Rework.

Remember the change is about choice do I need Sustain healing or more burst, lots of small AoE going out or is their going to be heavy burst damage I need to counter quickly.


I’d be fine seeing Holy Prism as a replacement for Holy Shock that deals less healing and damage but does both simultaneously. Would make glimmer build busted too.

Not a bad idea. I like the idea of holy prism, but its numbers aren’t great and doesn’t feel that impactful on current 20s CD. Pumping it up and having another 1min CD could fill some gaps when DT is on CD for either heals/dps, and nice to have something that’ll still hit things being kited out of sanguine and such.

I approve.

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Oh yes please

I like it. Blast the light.

We should all agree to refer to Prism as “Holy Noodles” from now on, yeah?

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I wanted to make sure Light’s Hammer also got a buff to keep it as a viable and competitive choice, it lingers too long and I’ve found like 50% of its uptime is wasted completely in keys.

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Not to forget to mention casting Holy Prism on cd insanely drains our mana, I’m constantly oom as it is, I’d say more oom then most healers currently.

I’d rather it remain mostly as is functionally, just tuned higher, even if that means making it slightly more expensive, even, to use on CD.

That said, I’d also like the “tendrils” marking who was hit to look more like light-beams and less like light-noodles…

Honestly I think both Light’s Hammer and Holy Prism are fine talents in design, they are just too undertunned, all they need is to actually do meaningful healing/damage.

They were quite good in the past… I think it was in MOP when they were introduced… They felt like strong and meaningful abilities and both saw play depending on the situation if I remember correctly, it’s literally just numbers imo.


Maybe they can add prism to beacon targets in some way to help with aoe xP I used to enjoy the talent but it isnt what it used to be in like MoP

Prism does have one advantage, popping filthy rogues out stealth. I miss having it as Ret.

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I like Holy Prism a lot, hence why I’m pushing for a more competitive change to compete with Lights Hammer, but even that spell like I mentioned should be buffed doing its healing and Dps in a shorter duration.

My overall opinion with Lights Hammer, is WoW is currently designed for melee to be consistently on the move, affixes, mechanics, constant kiting, only a few bosses in keys and raid bosses are you able to get the full effect of 14s, seriously you are lucky if you can get 8 seconds worth of the spell to do it’s damage and healing. Hence why I suggested giving its full effect quicker. Huge QoL, massive improvement in our healing and Dps.

Holy Prism, I love the idea behind it but currently never picked, insanely mana intensive at 13% of base mana, it doesn’t fill realistically any role to be picked.

Making it 1 minute cd, 18% base mana, literally on par with Lights Hammer opens up the Talent immensely, it be a god send in PvP, with a quick on demand burst healing and Dps, like wise for PvE.

Like I mentioned, do you want more sustain healing or a quick burst, Holy Paladin is already a very, very busy class as it is, we don’t essentially need another 20sec cd spell, we have enough to worry about, Generating Holy Power, dodging Mechanics, managing CDs for the fights, watching Health bars, CC. A big mention is how much mana intense our class is, I’m seriously constantly out of mana it’s ridiculous.

Honestly that’s why I see Light’s Hammer more picked over Holy Prism it’s fire and forget for 1 minute, even though essentially Holy Prism would do more healing and Dps if cast on cd.

Visually it also needs an upgrade, shooting a puny noodle isn’t pleasing, then throwing down a hammer pulsing with Holy Energy, although the hammer itself could be more brought up to todays standard.

Shooting a Holy Beam that pierces the enemies and Heals like the pic I put forward would also be visually amazing, really double down on being a Holy Crusader of the Light. It needs to feel and look good to press.

I’m just trying to make a realistic suggestion that makes both talents useful, not one better then the other, I hate having builds that has 100% must have talents. I thought the whole point of bringing back the talent tree was to promote build flexibility.

I mean I wouldn’t mind a quicker duration for the effect but I don’t think it’s particularly needed… The point is that Light’s Hammer should be the better option in situations where you can play around and get the full benefit from it, which will not always be the case, but that’s fine because Holy Prism was the more flexible option and quite good by itself too.

It was really a good choice of talents when they actually had some meaningful output, not sure why they implemented them with such weak numbers this time around.

My main issue with the Holy Beam idea is that it works too similarly to Light of Dawn, with probably a thinner hitbox… I rather have the current mechanic that works radial from your target plus is very flexible as an extra emergency single healing button that also works for AOE damage.

I really think the design of those talents is very good, your ideas are cool don’t get me wrong but I personally would still prefer them how they are now just with better numbers so they are impactful to use…

And the other factor is that if the Devs decide to give Holy Paladin some love and work on the gameplay issues I’d rather have them focus on the core interactions of how the spec plays and don’t try to re-invent the wheel with two talents that are imo already well designed and just undertunned.

Lower mana cost, make it always crit, and have 3 charges. So you either weave in or use all when needed.

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I wouldn,t say replace it cause I like it. But make it work like Arcane mage. More HP you have in bank more healing it does without consuming it