Holy priest needs buffs

Can hpriest get even half the mana regen of an hpala in pvp please? idec if they don’t see any buffs it feels terrible to lose because i inevitably run out of mana first vs any other healer. Atleast give hpriest a buff where drinks cost less gold, i would actually laugh at that, better than just a mindgames icon.


Hey now. We got an undocumented buff.

Premonition of Clairvoyance also got a new icon.


It is a pretty sick icon tho.


We’re so back


Of course they had to update clairvoyance to a masonic symbol.

Why is H Priest being ignored in every update. They are NOT ok.


Yeah, Holy is good in raids but fairly unusable in higher keys. It lacks efficient and reliable AOE healing in dungeons which is the biggest issue IMO.

That’s why virtually all of the healers timing 12s and higher are resto shaman and to a much smaller extent disc priest. There are some outliers of other classes/specs timing 12s/13s but they’re fairly rare.


I don’t think Blizzard realizes how far giving Priests poison removal would boost their playability.

It’s more that Resto Shamans are overtuned and 7 out of 8 dungeons have curses/poisons more then anything. Disc Priest is just the 2nd best healer after them but it’s like comparing S tier to B+ tier.


Nah, this is wrong, I think. I think the very worst you could position these two is S+ Shaman and S disc with everyone else in B+.

With Enhance being as good as it is, a lot of top groups are running the Enh/Disc comp. It’s clearing 17s while Paladins, monks and evokers are only managing 15s now. Of the top 40 keys, 23 of them are Disc priests now.

Shaman is better in a pug setting, specifically. But I don’t think they’re like anywhere near a 2 tier gap apart from Shaman.

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It feels like heals got buffed in pvp for Holy but the manna issue is still insane. Compared to shaman or monk who it seems has near endless manna clawback.

Are you talking in M+ or raid? I’m seeing Resto Shamans going oom all the time on my Paly and I have to stop and wait.

As Holy In raid I’m able to make it through Mythic fights without ooming but its a learning process of when to double mana pot and symbol.

In M+ I drink for 2-5s between pulls so I’m always >50% mana on trash, but I haven’t oomed on bosses yet because they only last 2-3 minutes. The fights used to be way more brutal on the healing checks and lasted 4+ minutes in DF.

The issue Holy has is SWP isn’t even worth casting because Holy Fire and Smite does more damage and you have no easy way to spread SWP around like Disc and Shadow. This makes Throes of Pain useless.

Disc in comparison though has infinite mana because of Mindbenders galore and easy Throes of Pain.

It would be nice if holy could spec into mana returns on smite or holy fire. Similar to how Resto Druid can regen mana by spamming wrath/starfire.


There was an Azerite trait in BfA that did this for Holy Fire but they removed it after one patch.

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Holy just needs a way to properly spread SWP around so they can benefit from Throes of Pain in M+.

It’s really messed up that the only holy caster spec in the game is so reliant on a shadow spell tbh.

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That’s really far from the only thing holy priests need. They need even just ONE of their aoe healing spells to actually do some healing. They also really should have a kick and some mobility and maybe some aoe cc too.

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Exactly. Just make one of our AOE abilities more than a feather duster and we might be useful in higher M+. Spec’ing fully with AOE talents still leaves them feeling nearly meaningless. I’m down to suffering through one mythic+ run a week on my main because it’s just ZERO fun. I switch over to my monk mw and I’m just left feeling terrible that my main is so ignored by the devs. I’ve always suspected that the holy priest has no real advocate in the design team. This expansion it’s more clear than ever that it’s true.

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That was in response to somebody mentioning mana issues on Holy.

The issue Holy has with its mana in M+ is it doesn’t have 30s Mindbenders and can’t spread SWP around passively with Penance like Disc can. Tab casting SWP is also very time consuming and does less damage then just using Holy Fire.

If Holy had a means to spread SWP around passively it would contribute to a dps increase as well.

I find it odd that ‘Holy’ spec doesn’t have purge the wicked. It feels more natural for Disc to cast shadow spells than holy.