Heya ! I’m Monechot, the Recruitment Officer for In A Pickle-Thrall (Horde) // 18+ Guild
As with most 18+ guilds, we have explicit language. We do ask that all of our members have thick skin, as we like to banter, all in fun of course!
Our Guild does a little bit of everything, Casual Raiding, M+ pushing, and Fun Events/Contests
Our Raid Roster is currently full, but are looking for people to join for Keys.
Looking for:
Disc / Holy Priest
Holy Paladin
Mistweaver Monk
Preservation Evoker
Ranged DPS:
Balance Druid
Shadow Priest
Devistation Evoker
BM/MM Hunters
Melee DPS:
Havoc DH
WW Monk
Ret Paladin
Other classes / roles open to the right fit.
Off-spec tank/healer roles for preferred.
We believe in team-work, and all of our members help one another in all aspects of game-play! Including: Helping our casual members get AoTc before the next raid tier. With gear requirements to enter.
We offer: A wide variety of activities everyone in the guild loves to do! From M+ and Raiding current tier, old content achievement/transmog runs, mount/pet farming, and transmog competitions!
Below is our current scheduled activity days:
Monday: Fun Runs (Every 2nd Monday)
Tues: Progression Raid Night 9pm EST until 11:00pm EST
Weds: Progression Raid Night 9pm EST until 11:00pm EST
Thurs: Mythic+ Night 9pm EST until 11:00pm EST
Fun-Run’s include a variety of things to do, we welcome any members of the guild to join in on the fun!
Mythic raid(s) ( older raids of the expansion / previous expansions ).
Current expansion Meta Raid achievement runs.
Older Meta Raid & Dungeon Achievements.
Transmog Runs for older raids / dungeons.
Contests!! - We offer a variety of contests including: Gathering Contests, Transmog Contests, Guild Lottery, etc! We give out gold prizes for the Winner(s)!
We also give in game gifts for Christmas every year!
If you’d like to inquire about our guild, or to join our community, you can contact me via the tags below. 
Recruitment Officer: HazelHarlot#1445
Recruitment Officer: HazelHarlot#3818