Im looking for a raid team for my holy priest she’s 370 and looking for a guild that’s doing heroic at minimum. I don’t care if you are a mythic guild or not just looking for something fun I can do on the side; I do mythic raid on my main with another guild so wed/fri/sat are days I’m unavailable.
here’s a link to my mains logs so you can see what type of player I am, but my intention is to raid on my alt holy priest.
h ttps://
*Remove the space between the h ttps:
it wouldnt let me post a link.
Dungeon Crawl is an Adult Raiding Guild on Illidan with a long history. Looking for players round out the Team.{6/9 Heroic 9/9 Normal } Experienced Raiders 385+ Raid Times T/TH 8-11 est. Fun Raiding while Progressing.