Holy Priest LF Weekday Raiding Guild

Holy Priest looking for a (casual/semi-casual weekday raiding guild, currently 43. Long exerperience with vanilla through TBC to Wrath and have previous officer and raid leader experience. I am looking to find a good home where I can raid and be useful. Herbalist/Alchemist. I am in classic for the long-haul.

Story so far…
After originally finding a guild before classic release which lead me to the server Westfall and levelling up my priest my previous raid guild fell apart. I have 0 interest in drama and don’t get involved. I considered to just quit after the guild folded kinda depressing and like vanilla all over again, why am I levelling if I can’t find a good group of people to raid with I thought. Then after a few chats I though must press on, one door closes a better one will open!


Hi Alexandrina,

Most of us ended up at Mutiny. You should come join us. Leadership is a bit younger, so chat can get a bit vulgar, but along with that comes a looser grip on what players should be doing.

We just got a server first Onyxia kill. Raids are Mon, Tue, Wed, 8-11, and they seem pretty reasonable about attendance and participation.

If you have any issues getting an invite, there are at least 10 of us there that can vouch for you.

I’m such an idiot I didn’t even see this reply. I’ve made such bad decision in trying to give a GM benefit of the doubt. I expect your full now and I’m too low. What happened to our guild together I don’t know why really got to me was very very sad to see! I wish I didn’t take things to heart though!!

They are still accepting players but only 55+, and raiding is not guaranteed, as we already have over 80 level 60 players.

Like I told you before leaving Brave, finding a guild that fits you is like dating. Sometimes it’s a horrible experience, sometimes you stick around till something better comes along, and eventually you find one that fits you perfectly.

Keep shopping around, and don’t be afraid to move on when things aren’t working out.

If I don’t see you in Mutiny, I hope to see you in Azeroth. :slight_smile:

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Yeah it definitely is lol. I will do as I remember you posting keep on leveling and keep an eye out for the right fit! Keeping a note to self to not get disheartened!!

Best of luck to you!