Holy Priest LF AOTC Raiding Guild

Title. LF guild of chill people to raid and do M+ with. Current guild is great but doesn’t look like raiding is going to happen this season. KSH and AOTC last season, looking to push myself and improve as much as possible in a friendly environment. Thanks in advance for any replies :slight_smile:

Hello Ineedhealing!

What Sword is a close-knit guild with a focus on AOTC raiding and Keystone Hero. We are looking for mature adults to join our raid team, currently 7/9H. If you’re looking to make a long-term home on Proudmoore and raid with friends, not strangers, our guild is for you.

Our raid times are:

TUES/FRI - 8:45 - 11:00PM server time

We are currently in need of a mage, priest, warrior, and monk (heals/dps), though all players are welcome to apply. Feel free to reply here, or add me on:

Discord: Dracothea
BattleNet: Dracothea#1380