Holy priest cant solo the 13th delve

Sooooo that part where you said about all classes can solo it, but Healer priest cant becuase he has a heal and brann doesnt interupt it. These devs are so bad at designing anything for the game.


If a Shadow Priest can solo that also counts as the Priest class being able to solo it, after all, Classes, not specs.

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Pretty sure the point he is making is that disc/holy being the only two specs in the game without access to an interrupt is just dumb at this point. Some people do not want to play a spec they don’t like just to do content that is supposedly designed with solo play in mind.

It used to make sense that priest healers didn’t have an interrupt when there were other healer specs that also couldn’t interrupt but that is no longer the case.


Yes they indeed design a lot of encounters requiring kicks. Also encounters requiring CC, movement and other things. Truly they design a lot of things.

The only thing they don’t seem to design, is the Priest Class.


Resto druids would like to have a word with you sir.

Resto druids can at least spec into one, even if it’s awkward to do so.

Resto Druid’s takes a lot of points to take but it’s not that bad to use. Speaking as a former Resto Main.

If they fixed it taking like 5 points that are largely useless for some of the specs, it’s fine. It’s weirdly a ranged kick and very short cooldown, but on the GCD so. The range part and super short cooldown more than cancel out how cringe it is that’s it on the GCD.

I use it all the time on my RDruid though, it’s perfectly fine.

People out here playing a class with 2 healer specs then wondering why the healing specs cant interrupt. Yall are so cooked. Its insane. Spend some time learning Shadow instead of complaining on forums. “Forced to play a spec i dont like” youre playing a healer in solo content. You cant be helped.

??? I mean, every other healing spec in the game can interrupt and have since the beginning of Dragonflight. It continues to be weird that two cannot.

It’s valid to ask why some healers have the toolkit to solo this on their preferred spec and some specs are just asked to reroll and pray their stats priorities aren’t too far off.


For most of them thats only after a significant talent point investment. Not every spec needs to have access to everything. Once again, youre playing a healer in solo content. Youre better off asking for Brann to get an interrupt in dps spec.

This is just blatantly not true. Shaman, monk, Paladin, and evoker all effectively get their interrupt for free, it’s hardly an “investment” at all.

Resto druid is the one spec that has to “invest” in its interrupt, and even then the issues with the druid class tree means resto has to take those same dead talents even if they don’t take skull bash because they need the defensives trapped at the bottom of the tree.


You clearly don’t play much, brann “has” an interrupt in dps spec, they made the interrupt cd long so incentivize using your own. Priest doesn’t have one in 2 specs.

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Careful guys, the edgy Rogue main on their high horse thinks they know more about Priests than we on the Priest forum do.

Honestly Zekvir is an issue for specs that lack interrupts, especially on the ?? difficulty. (Disclaimer: I did ? both solo and with 2-man and helped write the Wowhead post on the fight, as well as fed information for the Zekvir timers on DBM. I can very reliably solo Zekvir ? for Valorstones. I want to think I know what I’m talking about.)

People say Brann has an interrupt, but Brann interrupts are not reliable. He doesn’t always interrupt, we don’t know the cooldown on his interrupt, and there is always a chance that he gets feared during a critical moment. You only deal with 1 spell that needs interrupted on ? (the dot), that is also dispellable (and that’s how I’m able to do ? solo - I used my Imp and dispelled every dot I came across, as my dispel has a 15s cooldown, which made it more reliable than the Felhunter’s 24s interrupt).

This becomes a bigger issue on ??, with the heal added to the mix. He casts the heal often enough to the point where you can’t ignore it (as it heals for 10% max health in p1, and gets buffed to 25% in p2). Then, you also have to deal with the DOT interrupt. This already becomes very unreliable for any specs with interrupts longer than 12 seconds. You’re constantly peltered with things that need hard interrupts every ~15 seconds, and if you’re unlucky with Brann AI being bad or him being caught in CCs, you’re toast.

Zekvir is the same fight for 39 specs, but not all 39 specs are balanced equal. There needs to be changes to make them more feasible for all specs. I think the challenge of having to dodge multiple one-shot abilities and a pretty significant DPS race in the form of killing the Web Terror eggs is already enough of a challenge.

I would suggest Zekvir loses his CC immunity only while he casts spells, that way even classes with no reliable interrupts have ways to stop him from doing his casts, while not being able to cheese other portions of the fight with CC.

I would also go as far as removing his melee ability entirely. He melees clothes for ~800k in ? difficulty, and much like not all classes are equal with their dispel abilities, not all classes are equal with their self-healing abilities. Or maybe make it like Plunderstorm and allow us to dodge his melee attacks.

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