You talk about a monk 20 ilvls lower than you “keeping up” but that doesn’t make sense. Monks are different than paladins, and their heals are different than a paladins.
When a holy shock will heal instantly, what does a monk do? If the target needs healing right now, the holy shock could heal him. The monk can burn cocoon, but it’s got a long cooldown.
Holy Paladin has competitive throughput overall. Holy Paladin have very competitive healing, and because of their method of reactive healing, the heals that they put on are more impactful. A monk more healing in logs because renewal, a powerful but situational raid cooldown.
Holy Paladin has a powerful but situational raid cooldown in Aura Mastery, but that impact doesn’t get added to healing meters because it’s percentage damage reduction rather than healing or absorb.
Both renewal and Aura Mastery should be used for specific damage events and when one is better than the other depends on the specific encounter.
Paladin is a very interesting healer in my opinion. It’s a strongly reactive healer, in that you don’t build up HoTs or shields on a target you expect to take damage soon. But instead it’s a highly positional healer, so rather than casting spells on targets that are going to take damage in the future, you want to move near targets who take damage in the future.
Paladin has some powerful cooldowns. Sacrifice and protection are great and nearly unparalleled. Again, these directly impact whether a target dies or not, but don’t show up in healing meters. Auras and Light of Dawn require you to manage your position and be aware of the playfield and who is on it to maximize them.
I mean, other healers are cool too. But paladin is an interesting class that fills a specific role. They’re spot healers. When the raid takes raidwide damage the paladin can reduce it by 20%, the monk can revival and heal a bunch of it up, the disc priests can buoy a bunch of people through atonement and evangelism, the holy priests can have their mending bouncing around. The paladins can use light of dawn for the people they prepped nearby, and then they are the best spot healers. While the raid’s health is still suppressed, they’re the best for ensuring that someone won’t die to a few single target abilities. In the mean time, the Monk is probably better on the tank because of the way channeling soothing mist interacts with cooldowns. Monks are a firmer commitment with enveloping mist, soothing mist. The paladin can throw a holy shock and then continue to heal the same target, or move to another one without penalty. With beacon they can switch off their primary target with little penalty or ramp.
Paladins are a positional healer that fills the role of the savior. They have the most tools to save a player RIGHT NOW without long cooldowns. Their preparation is to be properly positioned for auras and light of dawn to be most effective, but don’t need to proactively buff or HoT up their targets like other healers. Paladins don’t have consistent raid-wide healing options, but have a raid-wide damage reduction cooldown through devotion aura mastery. Paladins don’t have ranged AoE healing but do have the highest range spot healing with rule of law.
I mean, fun is subjective, but they’re a solid class that takes a lot of nuance to play well, and fill a niche that doesn’t fully overlap with other healers. If you’re primarily looking to see the highest number on the meters, then maybe monk is better. Monk’s a good healer too, but fills a different role, and while they can output a bit more healing overall, paladins are still competitive and beat monks at healing RIGHT NOW AT ALL COSTS, while if a monk wants to do something without a cast time, he better hope cocoon is off cooldown. All heal specs are solid right now actually, at least in raids. The balance shifts a bit when you get to dungeons.
Your problem might be that you have too much healing so people who should be AoE healing are spot healing, or AoE healing is negating the need to spot heal, or whatever. This is OK because Paladin is also second to only Disc in terms of healer DPS. And if you need a healer part time for a period of high intensity in a fight and can’t swap them for DPS, then Paladin is a good choice because they have no ramp time for their healing. They can just get going when those periods of high damage that justify bringing that extra healer comes.
If you bring too many healers and judge how fun your class is by how much healing you get on the meter, and you’re healing a bunch of non-critical damage with an uncoordinated group and are up against a bunch of healers with smart HoTs and AoE heals, yeah, you’ll feel left behind. But in that case, you’ve just got too much healing, and there’s a whole raid comp issue.
I guess look at it this way. If you’re doing low healing and nobody’s dying, then either things are perfect and you’re playing as well as you should and you should focus on your DPS when not healing because you need this many healers to survive some specific phase or damage event, OR you don’t actually NEED all the healers you have and someone needs to switch to DPS. If you are doing low healing and people are dying in avoidable ways, then as a paladin this is your problem. You are the healer that is most suited to save them. You can holy shock to heal them instantly, you can light of the martyr, and flash of light is very powerful and fast.
Yeah, it’s not the best option to stack paladins for an encounter with nothing but consistent raid wide rot damage, but mix a few damage profiles together and let some of the other healers deal with the rot damage and have the paladin focus on the single target damage sources and you’ll be valuable. The only time paladins aren’t useful is when nobody is at risk of dying. If this is the case, then it should all be easy.
I’d say Paladin is a very challenging class because it’s way easier to prep HoTs on a target than it is to be aware of the playfield in such a way to maximize mastery, auras and Light of Dawn.
I think Paladin is also kind of a dull class when you’re on farm content, overgearing it, with too many healers, and pressured to show high parses.