Holy paladin s2 “4% buff”

Holy paladin got a 4% buff on patch notes but now I’m doing 20% less healing.

Enough said……

I love Hpal. Mained it since TBC. Unfortunately, Blizz does not love Hpal. They made it so fun I stopped logging in for a month. Now I main my resto druid which I made back in wotlk and used to be my alt healer. Still 50-50 on whether I cancel my sub’s auto renew.

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yea, i got CE the night before patch with HPS around 1.8mil and heal spikes over 2.5mil. loggin the next day and im bearly able to do 1.6mil with heal spikes of 2.1mil. we’re now the worst healer by a lot…

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Seems like Holy Paladin is M.I.A in a lot of recent class tuning… :man_facepalming:t4: this going to be a rough Season.

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Lightsmith was nerfed.

We’re fine playstyle-wise, outside of some mana issues.

The big issue Blizzard is facing is that it’s almost impossible to tune us correctly for both raid and m+ simultaneously.

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