Hello, PTR testers.
I’m posting today to bring attention to Holy Paladin, a specialization that is in dire need of a ground-up rework after years of wasted development time.
Looking back across several expansions, nearly all of the development time and “reworks” Holy Paladin has received have been ineffective. Ideas were often started but never fully fleshed out, or a significant amount of development went into a few spells or talents during alpha/beta, only for them to have little impact. Some design philosophies have been completely discarded after years of iteration.
Since Battle for Azeroth, we saw the introduction of the Glimmer mechanic, which became central to how the spec heals for several expansions. In The Winds of Winter (TWW), Glimmer was tossed, along with years of development work behind it.
In Dragonflight Season 2, Holy Paladin received a major rework. It got a treasure trove of new, powerful cooldowns and even further integration of Glimmer into the spec’s flow. Spells like Daybreak, Hand of Divinity, and Tyr’s Deliverance were added, but after the season, they were swiftly nerfed into near-uselessness, rendering all the development work for the rework effectively wasted. Daybreak (along with Glimmer) is gone, Tyr’s has been a dead portion of the talent tree since Season 2, and Hand of Divinity is a clunky, non-competitive option compared to Divine Favor.
During the TWW beta, nearly all the development time was spent figuring out how to make Light of the Martyr work. The entire alpha/beta cycle passed, and this portion of the talent tree (like Tyr’s) remains useless and untouched—another example of wasted development time.
This has all culminated in a spec that feels lost and underdeveloped. When compared to its more successful counterparts, which have received substantial reworks over the years, the core toolkit feels like it lacks meaningful interaction between spells, and abilities often feel like they lack a clear purpose.
For years now, we’ve watched the development team struggle to balance core interactions for Holy Paladin, trying to answer questions like:
- What effects or power should be tied to offensive Holy Power builders like Judgment or Crusader Strike? Are they just a builder? Should they heal? How much mana should they cost? This is complicated further by the existence of Avenging Crusader, which changes how these abilities function. Crusader Strike keeps changing its charges and behaves differently when Avenging Crusader is active.
- Holy Shock: This spell has fluctuated in power patch by patch. Should it be used offensively? Should it heal effectively? Is it just a Holy Power builder? As the primary applicator for Glimmer (which is now gone), this spell should be the glue that ties the whole kit together, but without Glimmer, it feels lost among the rest of the abilities.
- Holy Light/Flash of Light: The ongoing struggle between caster vs. melee healing playstyles. Personally, I believe Holy Priest already fills the role of a ranged caster healer. Moreover, the days of healers deciding between fast, mana-expensive heals or slow, mana-efficient heals are long gone. If it were up to me, these spells would be reworked. Since Ret and Prot both have semi-ranged abilities, I see no reason why Holy couldn’t do the same. Building the spec as an intentional melee-hybrid would also be beneficial, similar to how Mistweavers heal at range while maintaining a melee-centric playstyle with abilities like Sheilun’s, Vivify, and Crackling Jade Lightning.
- Beacons: The beacon healing mechanic has been a constant balance headache. With the ever-increasing AoE healing demands in dungeons, Virtue has become more and more necessary. Which leads me to my next point…
- Light of Dawn: This is the only Holy Power spender specific to Holy Paladins, but it feels useless and unsatisfying to press. Playing armchair dev here, but I’d love to see Virtue and Light of Dawn on a choice node—where Virtue is the M+ option and Light of Dawn is the raid healing option. In this scenario, Beacon of Faith could be pruned, and Virtue would be redesigned to extend Beacon of Light from its original target to 4 allies.
- Avenging Wrath/Crusader: Holy Paladin has struggled with the amount of power baked into Wings for years. This often leads to feeling overpowered when it’s up, but then struggling to meet healing checks when it’s down. Avenging Crusader compounds this issue by offering cooldown reduction (which is critical in M+) and changing the rotation significantly. Having a major healing cooldown every minute feels essential for how M+ is being designed, but 2-minute Wings feels inadequate when other specs like Chi-Ji, Convoke, and Archon-Halo offer major cooldowns every minute.
These issues are exacerbated by the hero talents, Lightsmith and Herald. On this PTR, we’ve seen the systematic dismantling of Lightsmith, but unfortunately, it doesn’t look like Herald has been adjusted in any meaningful way to compensate. This is disappointing, as Holy Paladin was already a mid-tier healer going into the next patch. I’ve played Lightsmith Holy Paladin, and while I enjoyed it, the playstyle was such a departure from the traditional Holy Paladin that even months ago I called it gimmicky and problematic. It felt like a completely new spec, which likely wasn’t the intended direction. The incoming nerfs seem to support these concerns.
I could probably keep going, but it seems clear that Holy Paladin is a bit lost and lacks a clear design direction. I implore the development team to take meaningful time to address Holy Paladin and give it the actual rework it desperately needs.