Holy Paladin PvP keybinds?


Avenging Wrath + Power Trinket

/cast Avenging Wrath
/use 14

This one simply clicks wings, and the trinket in your 14 slot (bottom trinket). Make sure your power trinket is in the bottom slot.

Mouseover Macros:
Create macros in the following format for all of these spells-- Holy Light, Flash of Light, Holy Shock, Bestow Faith, Word of Glory, Light of the Martyr, Lay on Hands, Blessing of Protection, and Blessing of Freedom.

/cast [@mouseover, exists] Bestow Faith; [@target, exists] Bestow Faith; [@player, exists] Bestow Faith

How it works is basically, first it checks if a mouseover target exists, if one doesn’t it checks if a clicked target exists, and then if that doesn’t it casts it on you, the player.

HOJ Macro + Focus Target:

/cast [mod:alt, @focus] Hammer of Justice; Hammer of Justice

So this will cast HOJ (In my case it is on the “Shift” Bar so I hit shift+4 to HOJ). Then if I also hold down “Alt” (So Shift+Alt+4), it will HOJ the focus target. In the beginning of Arenas right when the match starts, you should set the healer as your Focus Target, so that you can get instant HOJs on them when u need to without having to click on them first.