Holy Paladin PvP keybinds?

Does anyone know if there’s a good that shows me keybinds for holy paladin for PvP? I don’t wanna be a clicker, and I wanna improve. :slight_smile:

Thank you!

Keybinds are unique to everyone. Not everyone uses the same hardware and not all mice and keyboards are the same. I use a Razer Orbweaver for left hand and Logitech 5 button mouse for right so my keybinds would make no sense to you.

Look into the many MMO mice that can have over a dozen keys for you to bind if you want more options on your mouse hand.

So, here’s how I have my stuff setup. It’s important to note that I use a MMO mouse with 12 numpad style buttons. I use the shift-modifier for the 2nd action bar, alt-modifier for the right action bar, and ctrl-modifier for the auras.

Bar 1 starts with all the main heals. These heals I have set as mouseover macros, so I can quickly mouseover the party frames to get heals and cleanses off. Avenging Wrath I have a macro set to use my power trinket when I pop wings. For HoJ I have a Macro to target my focus target if I hold down Alt (I’m already holding down shift to press this row). I use an alt macro for the 2 beacons as well.

Not sure if this is what you wanted, but this is my setup, and I really love the MMO mouse I have, it keeps me from clicking anything on screen.

My dude, this is EXACTLY what I wanted! I just got an MMO mouse, too! This is literally perfect. I’m gonna try this out, thank you so much!!

Good to hear! When I get home in a couple hours I’ll post some macros here that I like.

My mental organization for my hotbar is: Bottom bar is core stuff. Top bar is buffs and utility. Right bar is mobility and niche situational stuff.

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Perfect! Yes, and the macros would be amazing. I literally just started playing Holy Paladin tonight, and it’s so different than any other healer!

How far have you pushed in arenas this season?

Sorry I’ve been very busy with work, I didn’t get to login today/yesterday. Yes I love Holy Paladin. I highly suggest looking up the WoWHead guides for PVE & PVP and reading them, they’re very helpful and explain your rotation, how Holy Paladin kinda works, and what talents to use and when. I think it’s a really neat healer to play, and I find it very active and engaging with a couple different play-styles actually.

I did play some Holy Paladin in arena, and to tell you the truth I’ve been finding it easier than Ret Paladin.

As a Ret Pal, you need to find the right kind of comp, and either win in a “fair” fight after multiple goes with Ret+Arms; or go for something more setup related, like Cupid (Ret+MM Hunter). I haven’t found too many competent healers to play with that use comms in LFG, as most good players require you to have some kind of achievement or proof of XP.

As HPal, you can fit into a TON of different comps. You’re a universal puzzle piece, and when looking for partners, you’re not really trying to find a specific comp as much as you are trying to find good players. Idk we’ll see, but so far my winrate is a lot higher as Holy Paladin.

EDIT: Answer to your question— I’m sitting around 1500/1600 rn looking for good partners this season.


Avenging Wrath + Power Trinket

/cast Avenging Wrath
/use 14

This one simply clicks wings, and the trinket in your 14 slot (bottom trinket). Make sure your power trinket is in the bottom slot.

Mouseover Macros:
Create macros in the following format for all of these spells-- Holy Light, Flash of Light, Holy Shock, Bestow Faith, Word of Glory, Light of the Martyr, Lay on Hands, Blessing of Protection, and Blessing of Freedom.

/cast [@mouseover, exists] Bestow Faith; [@target, exists] Bestow Faith; [@player, exists] Bestow Faith

How it works is basically, first it checks if a mouseover target exists, if one doesn’t it checks if a clicked target exists, and then if that doesn’t it casts it on you, the player.

HOJ Macro + Focus Target:

/cast [mod:alt, @focus] Hammer of Justice; Hammer of Justice

So this will cast HOJ (In my case it is on the “Shift” Bar so I hit shift+4 to HOJ). Then if I also hold down “Alt” (So Shift+Alt+4), it will HOJ the focus target. In the beginning of Arenas right when the match starts, you should set the healer as your Focus Target, so that you can get instant HOJs on them when u need to without having to click on them first.