Holy Paladin Nerfs

I understand everything but the mana regen.
After a few rounds of PvP mana is now a issue, like a big issue.


Just like every other class? Finally balanced


I havent played yet this week but not shocked if thats the case. I think one of the big reasons for balancing issues is “increase dmg/healing by 200%. Oh that class is over performing, then nerf by 180%, class is back to sucking”. Seems like they make big changes more or less instead of tuning. Just my two cents since coming back for this xpac.

Not really

Holy paladin has to use both mana and holy power. Mana has typically not been the resource constraint because of holy power.

These also classes don’t have to use another resource to heal, except preservation maybe. I don’t play it.

Foreword, ret main peabrain trying out Hpal in bgs.

Damn that mana bar just stays empty if u let it. Seems like abusing crit and IoL on Flash of Light is the move.

HPal pvp mana regen went from 5000/mp5 before the patch to 2000/mp5 now. Baseline mana regen outside of PvP is 10,000/mp5…

…so either this is wrong and it should read 80% less Mana in PvP combat (was 50%), or the mana was over-nerfed.

You can get by with Blessing of Winter and Divine Toll+Daybreak on cooldown, plus free FoL’s from infusions, but this forces us to take very specific top-end talents and adopt a passive playstyle just to not oom extremely fast.

Agreed, which I was not specced that way. Came on tonight to play a random bg and felt I was oom in about 2 minutes. Looks like I will have to adjust but it feels like it took an 80% swing

I think they should try taking away our mana regen talents and see how it plays out. Where it stood before rework mana wasn’t plentiful before but where it shouldve been imo we just needed more healing in general, then the rework came with so many mana options and they now punish the spec in pvp by tuning down our basic regen. I know Holy needed mana tuning but it was targeted in the wrong areas, we had mana options but now they are mana requirements.

Yeah. They nerfed our Mp5 back in SL S1 because Hpal was doing ridiculously well with mana with extremely high throughput. So they nerfed mp5 by 25% and took away fast cast holy light along with reworking Divine Favor to no longer provide clearcasting and reduced the cast time and healing benefits. Which were huge but Hpal was still considerably strong. This Mp5 nerf ontop of that is outrageous imo when they should have just tuned the mana talents at our disposal.

Are they actually requirements tho?

Hpal has enough mobility and cross cc to reliably set up drinks.

Worst case scenario ur in a position you can’t drink and you just run divine plea and never oom anyways.

Yes we have that liberty of gettin reliable drinks. I won’t argue there are lots of ways skill attributes to quality of life.

But if we were to take away these talent options from the rework hypothetically speaking. There is no way hpal stands toe to toe with any healer without those talents. We still have the highest passive mana regen from our abilities meanwhile after regening 100k mana while the other healer Rsham for expample has only regened 30k. The Rsham will have considerably more mana left even if we have similar hps and healing done. But thats just attributed to straight passive healing, where hpals cannot just cast a FoL and chill for a few seconds.

Good thing those talents exist then👍

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