idk how you guys butchered it this hard but you did; Holy Paladin went from a decent mana economy to having an absolutely horrendous mana economy in one patch and it makes the class purely unfun to play whatsoever. I get it that it was very powerful in M+ for S2 but the mana was not the issue. Whatever you guys did to Mana for 10.2 should be reverted immediately. idc that the new tier set lets you use Daybreak slightly more often; it’s absurd and you all know better. The current build that is running around basically only casts Flash of Light and it’s literally just WotLK playstyle and nobody wants that; and the reason it exists is because of your stubborn stance on Mana.
Proposed fix: Revert any Mana changes 10.2 brought to the spec, if not make it better since you gutted Rashok’s which was a bandaid fix to the general Mana issue every Healer had in 10.1.
I want to give you guys more credit but this is ridiculous and no Holy Paladin players are happy about it and quitting playing the class en masse. Holy Paladin was mostly powerful in S2 because other Healers couldn’t keep up with it and personally to me as a player I think that all the Healers should be powerful and not one should hold all the cards. It’s getting a bit old having only one Healer be playable every season.
Just curious, what heals are you specifically casting that make you go oom? The new playstyle leans heavily on holy shock and flash of light, with flash costing 0 mana when empowered by IoL.
HS, CS, and WoG are all pretty expensive these days.
They should probably revert the wog mana cost they added on 10.1
Ya, with the mana changes and large buffs to FoL/HL, I get the feeling Blizz is nudging pallies to playing more of a caster healer playstyle, than the melee attacking/CS playstyle.
The top pallies right now are casting like 1 CS per encounter (if any).
TBH, i’m all for this new potential era of caster pallies being back.
Literally, I tried one pull on sark tonight using melee wings and beacon of virtue and I ended phase one with 20% mana left, while when I use the correct talents I can end phase one with 80 to 90% of my mana remaining. I know those aren’t the spells you’re calling out but I’m just saying running out of mana in any way for any class is just insanely unfun.
Why do DPS and tanks get to ignore mana but healers take it in the pooper
hybrid dps and prot paladins would like a word with you…
Having to drink as protection is very cringe, and very common at a higher key level. holy power spenders shouldnt cost mana. especially considering you need to spend mana to generate HP in the first place. paladin class designer really failing hard here.
seems to me that holy paladins are the only healer in the game that will actually oom just doing DPS these days. Whereas we have resto druids doing 70k ST without spending a drop of mana.
Healers, as a whole, need a rework.
Doing dps other than healing sometime maybe?
don’t add judgment if u are melee dpsing or with melee heal build, it burns a lot of mana. unless u can micro manage it with daybreak and talented that focuses on infusion.
I whole heartedly agree and hope most do not like these caster changes. Concerning mana, there are ways to be efficient, but the old way of healing has to be let go since it’s not efficient.
Is this true or hyperbole b/c resto druids were complaining about DPS on these forums and I have no idea whose telling the truth.
on bosses in +15’s resto druid can reliably do 70k ST dps. my buddy been doing it the whole week.
good to hear. Thanks for the clarification.
The thing with the Rdruid’s dps is that it requires being in melee, but now add the bonus of having to change animal form (with GCD).
At least the pallys have their uses that are very notable in many M+, although they do require an improvement in their mana management
Their dps almost got doubled with recent changes.
Thank you very much. I decided to play druid, like nearly everybody else, this patch and resto druids have a lot of negativity surrounding their HPS and DPS on these forums.
nah they are incredible good, meta healers up there with disc probably. Tried mine in 10.1.7 and was a sleeper, now with their catweaving dps buff they might even taking disc place later or fighting for the top spot with them
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